Ronny's worming tablet didn't produce anything. We'll take him for another check on Monday, to see how he is going. At this point, mum is finding it hard to see the situation clearly so needs an outside eye to watch his progress. He is still playing though, and likes being involved in anything that is going on. The vet said there wasn't much point in seperating him from his siblings, as she didn't think it was viral, and that if it was, they had had a lot of exposure already anyway. From what we understand, she thinks it is probably physiological.
Thinking back, mum believes this all started when we had the 48 hours of Harry and then Ron being sick with vomiting several weeks ago. At that stage, Ron had nearly caught up to the other two in size. While Harry quickly shook it off and got back to the business of growing, we don't think Ron has been 'right' since. He is now about two thirds of the size of his siblings. We've been trying to get some weight on him for a long time, but he is still very thin. We make sure he is getting fair access to the food, and he eats like a champion, so something seems to be happening after the food gets in his body. Hopefully we'll get a better understanding of what is happening soon.

The Weasley twins are continuing to grow every second. Their eyes are nearly completely open now. We also have a surprise- turns out that George is actually a Georgie!

Thankyou so much for the purrs for Ron. It means a lot.
Come on little Ronny, stop worrying your mum like that.
We love little Ronnyliscious and we are gonna purr none stop until he is better. We think he is tuffer than yoo all think. C'mon Ronny ~ yoo can do it!
Oh Ronny, we wonder what it is with you. But you're eating and playing and those aren't the worst signs. We're purring so hard for you!
We are still hoping that Ronny is going to be A-OK!
We are still purring that Ron will improve...
The purrs have not stopped here for Ronnylicious...such a precious boy.
We hate to even think of this, but have you had him tested for FeLV/FIV? Our experience with Sen-Chan makes us wonder..... We hope it ain't so, and that Ronnylicious will make it. he certainly will if it's a matter of love and purrs from the world ever!
Mom doesn't want to give you false hope, but Ron might just be the runt of this litter. He was always smaller than the other two, wasn't he? As a former runt myself, I didn't actually start growing ginormously until I was six months old (which is when mom got me), which means I was smaller than my real sister, and had (according to the vet paperwork mom inherited when she got me) had several bouts of URIs. I am fine now, however. So don't lose hope just yet.
Do you suppose maybe he's having trouble getting all the nutrients in his food to go to him? That could be a bad thing, or it could be something as simple as him being unable to digest a particular type of protein. Have you thought of maybe trying a different kind of protein and seeing if it helps?
We'll keep purring for him (and we had a chuckle at the George/Georgie reveal!)
- Boris
One more thing: have they been screened for giardia at all? It's infamous for only causing certain cats to appear sick, while others are asymptomatic, and the pot bellied appearance is one of the symptoms. It also takes a lot of detective work (i.e., several poo samples) to detect, and can be resistant to treatment (but the good news is that repeated treatments will eventually eradicate it).
- Gracie
Hang in there little Ronny! I'm purring and purring for you!
We hope little Ron keeps on keeping on.
One of mums friends has a cat who is slim and little even though she is a copule of years old, and our neighbours cat is very slight. Both are very healthy and happy though, just very small cats.
More purrs here for poor little Ron... and even more...
We're purring very hard that Ronnylicious is okay.
You've fought so hard, Ronny, keep fighting.
sending lots rumbly purrs
Oh Ronny, we're purring and purraying for you little guy. Hang on in there,
Gypsy & Tasha
I keep my paws crossed for Ronny!
Ah, Ron. Hope you get some answers about his health soon. Purring in the meantime!
Oh noes!!!!!! We are so sorry to hear Ronny is not doing well :(
We are purring extra hard for him.
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
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