One my 11 week birthday, I got two bits of news. One is not so good, the other is very good.
The not so good news is that I am not very well. I have bad insides, and that makes lots of fluid gather in my belly. It is also stopping me from growing, and making me really hungry but unable to absorb food properly. It is the reason I get tired very quickly, too. There is nothing that the vet can do to make me better. Her estimate is that I have a few months at best.

The good news is that I have a Forever and Ever Home. My mum and dad adopted me today. I have a sister called Suey and a brother called Fui. I am going to be loved and spoiled and cared for for the rest of my days. My friend Greta even gave me an orange tent that is shaped like a

The only part I am unsure about is that I have to pose for a Christmas photo...
My brother, sister and I are getting our Christmas cards ready. If you would like a Christmas card from us, please send us an email at Fui_and_Suey AT hotmail DOT com.

Oh Ronny.
How wonderful that you are now a permanent forever foster - you could not ask for a better home. We are so very sad about your insides, we know that if love could cure you, you would be 100%!
Smoochies to you my dear boy, enjoy your great forever home, many kitties will never be as lucky.
Oh no, poor bebbeh! That's so sad. But the good news is that you can stay with your foster people for your remaining time. Enjoy it thoroughly - I know you will be loved SO much there!
Ronny, we're very glad that you've found your forever home. We're sad about your health, but we know that you'll make the most of whatever time you have, and that you'll enjoy every minute. Sending our purrs to help you little guy,
Gypsy & Tasha
Sweet Ronny! You have the best forever and ever home that anyone could possibly want! And even if your life has to happen at fast forward, we know that each and every day of it will be good. It was like that for our brother Sen-Chan. He was like a shooting star that lit up our lives for a little while and then was gone. Enjoy every second of it. Love and joy have no time-limits!
We would love t exchange cards with you and are emailing you our address.
Oh Ron! We know if love could make you better, you'd be all okay!! We are so sorry to hear this news...but we are happy to know that you have a furever home with your mom and dad and Fui and Suey!! You couldn't ask for a better home!!
We send you purrs....
Awwww sweet Ronnie. I am sooooo super pleased that you have a great furrever home with Fui and Suey, and wonderful mum and dad. We hope each of your days with them is special and full of love.
Big smooches to you little guy.
Julie and Poppy Q
Oh sweet Ronny Licious. Welcome to the family. You have the bestest family in the whole wide world. About your insides, there is NOTHING bad about you...maybe they don't work right...but you are all 100% good, inside and out. Just remember that, ok?
That rumbling you here when it's real quiet...that my family purring for you.
xoxo Cory and family
Ronny, mom read this impawtant announcement at work and she had to look away, because tears of happiness came into her eyes. Many concats, sweet little boy!
Oh Ronnyponny! You make us both happy and sad all at once. First and foremost we are so very, very, very happy that you got to be a spoilt and loved little kitten and that you didn't just die all alone and sad and abandoned. Your life might be a short one, but we know you get the bestest care and more love than most kitties in the world!
Big hugs
Bajas, Virus, Hyssing and Ane
Oh Ronny - I am so sad for you, but so happy, too!
Oh no ...
May your sweet life be filled lots of catnip toys ...
You are very beautiful and I am so glad you have a happy home. Enjoy your little life to the full. FAZ
Oh, Ronny, you maded my eyeballs leak a little bit! I am so glad that you have a Forever home now. I know you will pack as much love and happiness into whatever time you have as possible.
Oh Ron we are so happy and sad at the same time. We are happy you have a wonderful home, but sad your insides don't work right. But we know that your family will give you the best days for the short amount of time you have, and we are sending tons of purrs and prayers that you are ok for as long as possible.
We are sad about your insides Ronny, but happy to know your days will be filled with love and warmth and snuggles with beans and furries. We will keep you all in our purrs and prayers that you'll feel all good for a long time.
Aw, we are so sad and so happy at the same time. I'm sure you have the best forever family ever (I realize your mommy adopted you because she knows all about your problems, and can best care for you), but you will have to leave them for the Rainbow Bridge, which will make everyone even sadder.
We'll keep purring for you, for however long we must.
I'm so happy you have a forever home, Ronny, but very sad that it doesn't sound like it's going to be a very long forever! I know you'll be happy and EXTREMELY well taken care of for the rest of your time you have here. Lots of purrrrs.
We're so happy for you. You have he best forever home. We are sending lots of purrs your way.
We're so glad you found such a wonderful forever home. We are very sad that you are not well, but we know that every minute of your life with your new forever family will be filled with love. We will purr very, very hard that you will get better.
Ronny,we are sad about your inside :(
We are happy,though, that you will have the best,most loving home forever!!! You will have lots of fun making memories :)
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
Ronny, this news makes us sad and glad. Your home is a wonderful and loving home!
We are so sorry you have bad insides, Ronny! We know your Mom and Dad in your forever home will take good care of you and keep you happy and comfortable.
Oh Ronny I know you will get a 100 years of love from your family. With so many cats and humans in the world sending you love and purrs, maybe you will find a way to heal your insides and stick around, and if you need to go to the bridge, just know there are many great kitties to welcome you!
Oh Ronny, our eyes are leaky.
At least you will live the rest of your days in a wonderful and loving home. You're just an angel on earth here for a visit.
Sophie and Archie
(we don't have a blog)
Beautiful little Ronny Liscious, we love yoo and we are thrilled yoo have the most wonderful forever home and a fambly to love yoo.
We are very sorry yoo are poorly but we are still gonna purr for a miracle.
And if yoo have to move to the Bridge sooner than any of us will want yoo too ~ we will know that yoo are loved for ever and that will be a huge comfort. 'Cos once yoo have a forever home the love lasts for ever ~ wevver yoo are at the bridge or in the forever home. That's how it is.
So take each day as it comes, and enjoy it to the full. And soak up the love around yoo. Because better a short life full of love ~ than a long life with no love in it.
Smoochies and lotsa love from Milo and Alfie xxx
Lots of love and smoochies from Mom too. xxx
Oh Ronny. If you cannot have a long life at least you will have a good life!
Oh Ronny. We are so sad to hear that you are not well but are very excited that you will have all the love you will need with your Mom and Dad and sibs Fui and Suey.
The PM is still leaky eyed though.
Big purrs and hugs from all of us!!
Ronny, you've made us cry! You sweet boy. You are so, so loved by your forever family and your forever blogosphere family.
Ronny, your news is truly bittersweet. We know you will have the best Mom and Forever Home. We will be purring our very best purrs and hope for the very best for you always.
With love.. even a short time is priceless.
Oh Ronny, we are so happy that you'll have a forever home where you are loved and adored! We'll keep purring for you that you can be comfortable and happy for as long as possible (sometimes miracles happen).
Charlemagne and Tamar
Oh you sweet boy! I've just met you and I already love you. I'm so happy that your have the best forever home. But I'm very sad to hear that your insides aren't working right. Don't listen to lose doctors...prove them WRONG! Just because they say you've only got a little while doesn't mean that's the way it has to be. Regardless, enjoy everyday you have to the ultimate. To quote Tim McGraw's song,:
And I loved deeper and I spoke sweeter,
"And I gave forgiveness I'd been denying."
An' he said: "Some day, I hope you get the chance,
"To live like you were dyin'."
Like tomorrow was a gift,
And you got eternity,
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