I like to keep one.

Mum and dad laugh at me sometimes when I clean myself. I usually wait until I am the centre of attention, then get the preening started.

Finding a good, high, prominent position is even better!

My cat tree is a perfect position for such flagrant exhibitionism.

Speaking of flagrant exhibitionism...

The little kittens are mastering the art. I must give them points though for foot placement. It keeps the pictures ladylike!

When mum took them in to the vet for a check up yesterday, the man who found the kittens came in the door at the same time, to buy some flea preventer for his cat! He was very excited to see the babies, and was nearly in tears. He took lots of photos and video on his phone. He said that a friend of his is very interested in adopting one of the kittens when they are old enough to be adopted. How cool is that!

Ron (below) has suddenly put on some good weight. He is looking healthier every day, every hour even. Harry and Hermione are just under 200 grams, while Ron is a spot over 150 grams. So they are on track with their weight gain. Their eyes are still closed. We can't wait for them to open and start seeing the world.

I also have to tell you a funny story. When mum is doing the late feedings, I sleep with daddy and Fui sits with mum and the babies. Last night, mum was cleaning up Hermione after a feed, and she did a poop. It was a bit of a stinker. Fui looked outraged! He was running about sniffing the floor and the table and anything he could find to sniff. Then, he went to his litterbox and laid an even bigger stinker. He came back looking very proud of himself! Hahaha! It was like they were in a contest!

I think it's time for me to take a more active roll with the babies. Otherwise, they'll end out being too much like that big boofhead brother of mine!
You look very concentrated and utterly ladylike in your preening, Suey!
The babies: lovely paw placement and overwhelming cuteness all around!
Purrs and Woofs,
Tama-Chan, Sei-Chan and Tommy
I'm pretty sure you'll make a great big sister to the kitties Suey.
Huffle Mawson
Oh, we can just feel how touching it must have been when the man who found the kitten was so happy. Hopefully it works out and one of them (far better: TWO of them) gets adopted by his friend. Wonderful pictures!
love the stinker story.
Tee hee! A pooping contest! Fui couldn't let himself be outdone by a wee little one!
Suey...you are a pro preener!
Hahaha.. That is so funny. And the kittens are so CUTE! Great pix of them.
Boofhead! I like that word! I can think of several uses for it. It's good to see the wee ones prospering. And so nice to hear of the man who found them.
They are beautiful! We are glad the man that found them got to see them at the vet.
How wonderful to hear little Ron has ut on weight! An excellent sign that makes us all very happy!
Poops stink, Fui. What are you going to do? hahahaha!
Those are all great pictures - both of you bathing and the kittens! And what is it with kittens in thorn bushes lately - at Love and Hisses they found a group in thorn bushes too. Very weird.
Oh my gosh. God bless you for being a foster. I have 3 indoor cats and I have some ferals that I take care of as well outdoors.
You've won a follower and a fan.
It sounds like Fui won the Poop-Off! Hahahaha!
What a sweet coincidence that the man who found the bebbehs got to see them again.
OMC!!! Those kittens get cuter every time we see them!!!
WOW!! Did you hear that noise??? Mom's head exploded because of all the beauty(you Suey) and cuteness(kittens) hahahahahahaha!!!!
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
Oh, those kittens are precious, and they DO look a little bigger!
Suey, I like to groom myself VERY loudly VERY early in the morning to get the beans' attention and let them know that I'm ready for breakfast and to be let outside. It mostly works.
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