He wasn't expecting that, and got his slap on again.

His little toehawky whaps didn't have any effect on my big box head, and the next thing I knew he'd pounced!

The little kitten face forgot that I weight twice as much as him though, and I flipped him off pretty quick. At that point, he decided to run away with his floofy tail swishing all about.

That means I get to declare myself winner!
I dedicate this victory to the lovely Ginger. I cropped my Winner! photo to G rated in your honour, my dear.

But now I have to keep a look out, because I know Lishy will be back for round 523 at any moment!
Okay Fui, you won, but I think you took a tiny bit of an unfair advantage with your weight!
Fui, yoo won ~ but sharing is a good fing to do. So can we suggest yoo give Lishy playtime wiv the cigar too?
Fui would you please come over and teach Teddy a lesson? You must be two or three or twelve times bigger than him right now.
You put up an impressive fight, Lishy! Better luck next time!
Enjoy it whilst you've got it, Fui!!!
The Chans
My hero!!!!
xoxo Ginger
Good job Fui! Better luck next time Lishy
You cast a lovely story for these pictures. The cats are really beautiful.
OH BOY!!! We wre dying to know how the match ended yesterday! Mommy says you need TWO cigars but we Cats know that one of them would never get touched and you boys would continue to rassle over the "best" one. That's just how we Cats roll.
Lishy, next time go UNDER the bed. It's more easily defended.
Well, Lishy, you gave it a good shot!
how can two kitties fighting over a cigar be so darned cute!?
Oh Fui...you know what they say about paybacks!! Look out!!
Hahahahaha!!! Fui, it is good to see you prevail over that young whipper snapper ;) Enjoy that cigar:)
Purrs Mickey
Enjoy that cigar while you can. Lishy will no doubt return for a revenge.
Fui, I need the lesson !...Teach me !!!...Please
psst... psst... closer... Mom and I are hoping you'll decide to let us use some of your photos for our new book. We can't give it away yet, but let's just say Jim and Bob have something to say about it...
Boy! That sure was a full on rumble for the cigar!
It's so amazing to see big boy Lishy holding his own against The Great Fui. To think was a tiny, sickly kitten he was not so long ago! It makes me smile.
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