Hi everybody! It's Suey Sunshine-Sausage here. I am going to give you a very blurry demonstration of how I leap about on my book shelves.

First, I go to my take off spot on the grey bookshelf.
It's important to do a great big stretch first of all to prepare your body.
I sight my target, and visualise the jump I'm about to make.
Focusing on my target, I lean forward and wiggle my little bum
before leaping across the divide!
It's very satisfying to hit my target point.
I then call out to my mum or dad, and get them to come over for a nose kiss. They have to stand on tip toe to reach me!

With flying skills like this, I think I probably need a cape.
Oh yes, you definitely need a cape Suey!! What a great demo..I especially loved the butt wiggle part (that's very important for good lift-off) Happy Caturday, furriend!
Super Suey away! Yoo definately need a cape with a big S on it - yoo certainly do sum flyin leaps and yoo do it well!
Super Suey! Up up and awaaaaayyyy!!!!
Love the awesome action shot Suey, you must have been a kazillion feet up in the air!
Wow, Suey! Mama and I are very impressed with your Flying Tortie ability. You SuperTortie! Prrrs!
Brilliant, Suey! And I know very well how important the bum-wiggling bit is to it all!
Suey is soooo cute! And the big jump...amazing! :D
We think a cape is a must. A hot pink one with a lime green "S" on it for Super-Suey!
Mommy says she would cr@p her pants if she had to watch you do that. She's a weenie.
I want to be Suey when I grow up!
- Gracie
That was a very good demonstration, Suey! And I think your human did a good job of capturing it too - it is hard to get us kitties in action without resorting to the dreaded flashy part of the box.
"Wow" that was a amazing jump :)
Suey MOL.. for your Middle name and Surname " Sunshine-Sausage " : )
OMC Suey !!! We can't even breath when see you are leaping across the divide. But it release when you hit the target point...That was brilliant !
PS : About my cat collar, Mom bought it from the Pet Shop but she can't remember the brand. But we have the old post's photo here, Click the Link: BoxingDay
you can see the package. It's really good. Inside the collar made from wool. Very comfy when I wear it. and outside made from some leather or plastic. When I scratch it, it won't tear apart. Pretty Durable !
Oh my goodness ~ you could be a circus cat star you are such a good jumper! But much better to live where you are and jump from book case to book case... ;)
Happy Weekend!
xo Catherine
Wow! That was impressive, Suey!!
"It's a bird! It's a plane! It's Super Suey!!!!"
OMC your name is pawsome!!!!!!!
You have unsurpassed super powers!!!!
We are in awe!!
Nothing more spectacular than cats in motion. Hugs, Deb=^..^=x5
Suey, we think you can teach de birds a thing or two!
That is an awesome leap!
A cape would be cool Suey! That was a great demonstration of your flying ability!
I think a silver cape with purple stars on it would suit you perfectly!
Way to go, Suey! I love your look of fierce concentration.
Wow, what a mighty leap that was! And you made it look easy. Good going, Suey.
Super Suey! That was some jump across that chasm! :)
Oh Suey that was some jump, poetry in motion, we loved it and are going to start practicing going from our feeder's storage shelf until to her desktop, she will be so surprised when we land on her keyboard!
The Cats from the Happy Haven
Suey, yoo are sooper-cat for sure! MOL!
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