Hi kitties. Fui here. When last we saw the catnip cigar, it was safely in Lishy's possession. This could not continue. It's Fui time.

I sidled up to him to see how easily he would give it up.
He didn't seem too possessive, so I decided to try my luck.
That was the signal for the no good ball of floof to attack!
Our slap fight was tough, strong, and very very manly.
After puffing ourselves out we stopped to stare each other out, looking for signs of weakness.

How will the battle for the catnip cigar end up this time?
Check back with us tomorrow!
One look at Lishy's ears when you pawed that cigar, Fui, and we knew what was coming... This is so exciting!
The Chans
Oh oh ~ me thinks someone needs to buy a second nip cigar so there is no fighting! :)
xo Catherine
Yes, the only answer is 3 nip cigars...yes, Suey needs one too! Nip cigars for all!!!!!
Erm ... Lishy means business. We fink yoo may hafta forego the cigar! MOL!
Fui, back away from the cigar if you value your ears!!
"Nip Cegars, Nip Cegars, get yer Nip Cegars ratcheere! Tree fur a Doller two ninety eights."
It's a sale. I'm gonna get me some of them too! That's a bargain.
Oh, watch the ears. They are the dead giveaway that something is NOT safe.
Just sayin .....
I knew this was not going to end peacefully.
Did you see the no good ball of floof's ears go back? I'm sure you knew what the outcome would be then! You're such a push the boundaries kind a guy Fui!
I was going to say the same thing as Niles, Sam and Zorro...ya gotta watch the ears!! They tell ALL!!!
That must be one powerful nip cigar to have you fighting over it!!
You really do need more cigars!
Wooohoooo! All put whapping there. Yeah, more cigars are needed. The "SHARE" code word is not working.
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