Today, the Kittenheads have let me use their blog to be a gushy mum. We hit a big milestone with Lishy the other night. Some of you may remember that when we decided Lishy would stay with us for as long as he could, I became obsessed with the notion that he must have a collar from PretaPawte, the same as Fui and Suey had.

I know some will think it is ridiculous to be excited about ordering a collar, but to me, it meant so much more than just something cute for tags to be attached to. Ordering Lishy's collar was a really practical indication of just how far he has come, and how strong he has become.

Today marks 11 months that Lishy has been living with us. He is showing no symptoms of anything other than tiring fairly quickly when he plays. He has been microchipped, fully vaccinated, desexed, and keeps up with the big cats, all things his vet said he wouldn't be capable of. I would like to say thankyou so very very much to all the people, kitties and pups who have commented, purred, sent emails and suggestions, and sent their love out into the world for our boy. I really believe that in addition to his tough spirit, all the positive energy that was aimed at Lishy has helped him get to this point, and I am so very grateful for that.
He is an extraordinary wee boy, and we are blessed to have him in our lives :)
Lishy's grown up to be such a beautiful boy - I remember when he was so tiny and not expected to make it. He's one lucky boy to have found you! :)
My mom is leaking like a faucet reading this. She babbling about Ronnylicious, precious Lishy...
She remembers feeling heartache at knowing this speical boy would have a short but wonderful life...and we joined in and purred and purred and purred for Lishy, and felt happiness that what time he had would be filled with love.
And then...we started to believe that the doctors were W.R.O.N.G. and that made us purr even harder.
Lishy is a special boy and we love him! Smooch him up for us, ok?
xoxo Cory and family
Aww Lishy, look at how little you were. We are so glad to be joining you in this journey of you growing up big and strong.
Smooches to you dude.
Happy 11th MonthDay handsome Lishy!!! All the prayers and purrs were heard and answered. You have been such a help to your mum with her foster kittens. And speaking of foster kittens, how is "our" Alice doing?
The New Orleans Kitties
Now that he's big and strong, maybe he can finally have that x-ray to keep your mind at peace. We think that whatever problem he had worked itself out, but nothing like hearing the vet confirm it, you know...
Our mom is right there with Cory's mom being all leaky, because she is so excited for Lishy and she totally understands why this is such a huge deal!
We totally remember when Lishy was little, when the prognosis was so sad and we all cried, when he got his collar (we were so excited that you were able to get him the custom one) when we noticed how well he was doing and how big he was getting - this is a huge occasion worthy of lots of celebration!
The mom speaks:
I can't tell you how happy reading this has made me. Dear little Ronnylicious touched my heart from the very first time I saw him. I can recall almost fearing to read your blog in case little Lishy hadn't made it. So to hear he now needs a BIG boys collar is absolutely heart warming. He really is an extraordinary and gorgeous wee soul ~ and this is a milestone well worth celebrating.
(Milo and Alfie send smoochies and purrs).
PS: Tell Lishy we LOVE him lots! xx
Lovely post! We can't wait to see the new collar. Even to us it is a big gift to be able to see Lishy strife and to hear about his adventures. We are so happy he made it and fully understand how lucky you feel.
Many purrs!
Oh Dear, I'm getting all teary-eyed! Me and the Lounge Kats were just lurking when you first got Lishy and we prayed & purred for him too, and hoped he would grow big and strong.
Which he has!
A new collar is a momentous occasion and we CELEBRATE! Go, Lishy, We love you!
MomKat Trish
Oh Lishy! We're so happy for you and your family. We totally understand what a mile stone this is - and we're so happy to know you.
Bajas, Virus and Hyssy!
Sorry, but we didn't know you guys back then and have no idea what you are talking about...Just from reading this post, of course, it is a huge milestone and we are so happy Lishy is still with you...Is he still sick?...We think he is a gorgeous boy and he is so lucky to live in your loving home...Happy weekend, sending big kisses to sweet Lishy and hugs to your Mom...J, Calle, Halle, Sukki
We remember being so touched when we found out that sweet little Lishy would get such a wonderful forever home and loving family even though his prognosis was not good. Every "Month Day" was truly a cause for celebration and a reason to believe in the power of purr. We are so happy Lishy has grown so big and strong and has such a wonderful life.
We remember when it was decided that you would give Ronnylicious a home, not knowing how long that would be. But we knew Lishy would defy the odds!! He has grown into such a handsome mancat!! And we think it's not only because of all the purrs and positive vibes everybuddy sent, but because of your love for him.
We are amazed and delighted that he has come this far. There was a time when I hated to open your blog for fear of sad news! We are looking forward to seeing him pass many more milestones!
Way to go, Lishy!!!!! Your progress has been a joy to all of us because we consider you a little bit part of our family, since we love you so much! Hey Fui! Hey Suey! You too of course!
Purrs, Woofs and Hugs,
The Chans, Tommy and #1
Such a wonderful accomplishment sweet Lishy has achieved. We are so happy that a bigger collar had to be ordered for this growing boy. That is one beautiful healthy happy looking kitty! Hooray!
xo Catherine
Ah Lishy (and Mom)what a wonderful thing. We just never believed Lishy wouldn't make it. He is such a delight!!
He's a very special boy, we purred so loud for him and we're so glad to see him grow.
You guys have a pretty amazing mummy to take care of kitties like she does.
Hooray for Lishy! That is such good news. And hey, if any of you want to come over and share my toasty bed, there's plenty of room.
And am I right in thinking you guys are moving to Melbourne soon
Hooray for Ronnylicious! He is truly a little miracle. And I am so proud of him for growing into a big boy collar!
Blessings Lish-ter! You keep going strong and healthy and full of love. Is Huffle right? You moving to Melb? Are you gonna be nearer to him or us, we wonder...
May you have many years to go, Lish!
Lishy is truly a miracle kitty, and complete proof that you can never underestimate a kitty! He's not only enhanced your life, but also just a little bit of the lives of everyone who comes to visit your blog.
He IS an extraordinary wee boy!!!!!!
We too are very excited that Lishy gets a "grown up" collar :) We are also overjoyed that he is pretty much healthy! Mom evem got tears in her eyes reading this ;)
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
How well remember that saddest of posts and how much Momma cried... and then how overjoyed we were with each milestone and even hopeful, daring to believe that Lishy's prognosis was wrong! Ronnylishus, you are thriving and we are thrilled!
Oh how we remember...
A little late in commenting, but we are so happy that Lishy has defied the odds. He's such a wonderful kitty (one of our very faves)
Hugs and smoochies to him and to all of you for assuring he has a groovy life!
We remember when Lishy was so little and we know how worried everyone was. We're very, very glad that he's growing up into such a nice and handsome man cat.
We love Lishy! Purrs to you, buddy!
Charlemagne and Tamar
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