Today, Hermione and I had a really big day. It was not good. We have been to the vet before. That is where the nice vets gave us check ups and we got to meet people who were interested in adding us to their families. It always involved lots of cuddles and smooches.

Today, we discovered the real meaning of V-E-T.

We got microchipped and vaccinated. Not good. Not good at all.

I was better than Hermione though. She even bit our foster mum!

The vet did not think Ron should be microchipped or vaccinated, as it would be too much for his little body. Do you know what he got instead? A collar and tag ordered for him. That is way better than needles!
Us Hogwarts kittens wanted to say thankyou for all the lovely comments you left about us finding our Forever Homes. We feel very lucky to have so many good friends:)
Take it easy, peeps.
Awwww sweet little ittly bitty kitties. We are glad you were pretty good at the vet. Ron, we just want to send you big little hugs, keep strong little dude.
You guys are all ready to make the big move to your forever home now! At least you have the chips and shots our of the way!
Ron, I bet you'll look very stylish in your collar and tag!
Well at least that's over with!! Now you can go to your new forever home!
Oh, those chips and shots are a pain in the you know what! How wonderful you have that out of the way and you get to take the next big step into your new home! We are so happy for you.
Ron sweetie, we can hardly wait to see you in your collar and tag!
Oooh, the vet is no fun. Ron, you're lucky! ;) But in the end, it's all for the best!
Anna Marie and Bandit
Oooh, the vet is no fun. Ron, you're lucky! ;) But in the end, it's all for the best!
Anna Marie and Bandit
That first photo is so very lovely!
That not-so-nice vet experience is just one of those rites of passage, something you have to go through on your way to becoming big grow-up kittens! We will try to erase from our memory the bit about Hermione bitxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.............. DONE!
Ron, we think you look gorgeous and you will look very handsome in your collar and tag!
Sweet ones, I liked the first vet visit too, but then they started all this poking. Hermione, it's good to be feisty but with the right people. Biting the hand that feeds you isn't good. But I know you were just scared, so your Foster mom forgave you right away. I just hope it's not too ouchy! Ron definitely had the better visit.
Purrs, Siena
Well now you're a big boy, Harry! Good for you not biting anyone - the vet really is a pretty nice place to be!
Microchips and vaccinations are very important. It is over with for now. I'll bet Ron's collar and tag will be wonderful!
Poor kitties! At least that is over with!
I bet mom was pretty stressed too!!!
Oh that is too bad that the vet was no fun for you - it isn't always that bad and the vet always loves the kitties - they didn't hurt you all on purpose. We are so happy you are going to a forever home together but we will miss you both so much!
We are glad that Ron is getting a collar - we can't wait to see it on him because we know he will look great!
Vets are not fun ...
I hope you find FUN at your forever home.
I've been microchipped - it's NO fun! But at least you're going to your new home - yay!
Sorry you got pokeded with needles! It will feel much better after you get some kisses.
You are very brave. Going to the vet is not fun, but it is necessary.
Paws 'n Claws,
Shots are No Fun, but they do help keep to from getting icky sickies. We are thankful we only have to go once a year. We are microchipped too, 'cept Whitey. Mom just realized that. Uh oh, Whitey... HIDE!
Vets are no fun. But we usually get lots of hugs and kisses after.
Going to the vet is our least favorite thing, even worse than nail trimming. No wonder Hermione got all bitey. But like our mom says, it's all for your own good.
I'm sorry kitties. Hopefully you won't have to go back to the v-e-t for a looooooong time.
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