Hello everybuddy:)
I have a new hideaway spot. It is the little cubby on the cat tree that Fui and Suey can't fit into.

All three of us are sitting on the tree together now, me in my cubby, Fui above me on the next level and Suey up on the top level. We also had our first big play session today. The three of us were running and jumping and playing and chasing! It was so much fun!

I had a visit with my vet today, and she thinks I am looking stronger. That is news I like to hear!

That is great news Ronny! You have certainly found yourself the best home possible.
Ronny, you are looking devastatingly handsome!!! We're glad you have found a cubbyhole of your very own!
Yay for you Ronnie! Keep on playing!
Ronny we would love to plant little kitten kisses on your sweet pink nose.
Smooches little buddy. You have fun playing.
I likes havin hidin places. Then I can take my toys there, or have a nice nap. :)
Oh dear sweet little Ronny, that is such good news. Yoo actually look a bit stronger and healthier in the photos. Maybe all yoo needed was LOVE and to be adopted! We love that yoo have your own cubby ~ is it a sort of pecking order? (boss at top, etc)
I just want to reach out and kiss you!!! That is such awesome news that you are getting stronger. That will make it more fun to play play play!!!!
Ronny, you are so, so cute. We are happy to hear you seem a little stronger. Very good news indeed!!
Ronny, you're fitting in quite nicely there!! We're glad your getting stronger!
Great news from the vet! Keep on playing with your brother and sister!
Ronnie, you sure do look bright-eyed and happy!
Hello Ronny! We so glad to see you looking so well. Our mommy also bought us one of those to hide out in. Yours looks really cool!
Purrs from The Johannesburg cats :)
We can't get enough of this sort of news!
We are so happy you are getting stronger Ron! We thought you were looking a bit stronger but it is nice to hear that it is not just us thinking that! You are so cute!
Precious. I love kitties. I have 3 indoors and a slew of ferals outside that I've adopted.
You go Ronnie!!! Just think, one day you'll be as big as us!!
Oh Ronny you look super cute in your cubby. You just keep getting stronger!
We are happy the Vet thinks you look stronger!! We think you look more handsome :) Have fun Ronny cutie pie :)
Purrs Mickey, Georgia & Tillie
Awe ...
You are just so cute~
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