Hello everyone. Today was supposed to be my day. Suey day. A day of girls and torties and prettiness.

Then this happened.

This little white fluffy scene thief.

Not an ounce of shame in that little body, not even in his toehawks.

There's only one thing for it.

I'm out of here!

Hahaha Ronnie and Suey, your photo session made my mum do a big pig snort, she laughed so much.
You look like you are both having sooo much fun.
Smooches to you all.
LOL, that little brother is so cute dancing like that. Those pictures made me laugh a lot. Thanks for that.
Wow, I think Ronny has been taking lessons from Rudy - that orange menace!
But I have to admit, that little guy is a cutie-pie!
Oh Suey ~ you are full of grace even though Ronny stole your spotlight! ha ha ~ you are both so sweet!
That is soooo boy like!! You are a true lady, Suey for not giving the little tyke a big push. You are filled with Christmas good cheer!
Purrs Banshee and Shade
You are sweet, Suey! As for Ronny, disco kitten!!!!!
Work it Ronny!
That boy knows how to work the camera! Suey, sweetie pie...we know you are a gorgeous girl and you are so very patient with your little upstart brother.
Why are younger brothers such little maniacs?!?
That Ronny is really strutting his stuff. Brothers are a pain when they are stealing a girls glory.
He's such a cute one though ...
** please help me find a home for the boys .. stop by my blog and mention them on yours **
Mom LOLed at that. Do remember that your kitten brother is just a little kitten. A little kitten who saw a Christmas garland and couldn't help himself. He loves you, but I bet at that point in time he just forgot you were having a photo session.
We're glad you're being so patient with him, and remember, he won't be little forever, you just gotta put up with his kittenhood for another 9 months or so.
- Boris
Oh Suey, we hope yoo don't mind, but we larfed out loud. We know it was supposed to be your day ~ but how can we mind, dear little preshus Ronny having his moment of showing off. He is such a poppet. We LOVE him to bits and it makes us SO happy to see him healthy enuff to be hogging the limelight!
Ronny rocks!
Oh Suey that stinks that your little brother crashed your photo shoot - but you have to admit that he is a cutie!
Hey, since he is being naughty here, I think I would like to invite him to join our Naughty Kitty Club (you are of course welcome along with your brother - we don't exclude anyone even if they really aren't very naughty). You can go into our profile and click the link to see it if you would like to join, or Ron or Fui too (or all three).
Haha! Ronny stole the show!
Suey,just because Ronny stole the show,we can see how beautiful you are and what pretty eyes you have :)
Mickey & Mom thought Ronny stands really well and is as cute as a button,heehee
Brofurs anyway!!!!!! Have a happy,Tortie day Suey!!!!
Purrs Georgia & Tillie
I thinks Ronny just purrtending he a snowball so yoo can haz snow foar Christmas even tho iz summer!
<3 Loki
You are just like dancing~
SQUUEEEEE! And you even have little snowshoes, Ronny? That's too much, that's simply too much for us. Oh the cuteness!
That first picture was great, Suey!
I ignored that Ronny boy and admired your Sueyness instead.
Mai sorry, Suey Sunshine. Despite all your Torty Glory mai admit that mai squeed a little bit when mai saw Ronny playing. Besides... scene stealing iz what kittens do best!
What nerve! And just when you were getting ready for your closeup.
But, he is really cute, so maybe he can be forgiven?
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