Our mum is having them. In Sydney, we have to be registered. So mum got all our vaccination, microchipping and desexing certificates copied, and printed and filled out all the forms she could find on the council website, then marched off to the Council chambers with dad in order to make us legal. Only to be told none of it counts, because it is from Queensland. This is despite our microchip being registered with an Australasian registry. We have to go back to the vet again, to have it all verified. As far as the Council is concerned, our old vet might as well have been an alien from Outer Space. We were not happy at all when we heard we will be making our debut at our Sydney vet much earlier. Like most sane kitties, we are not fans of going to the vet.
I took my frustrations out on Suey's mouse.
Hey mousie!



Now if you'll excuse me, I have to find an easily defensible position. I am not going without a fight!
That is just crazy! We hope your new vet just looks at all your paperwork and signs you off, then you can be legal. We also hope that he or she thinks it's crazy, too!
*Mommy mutters something about stupid people*
hahah that suxxors for you guys :(
Silly that Vets are not regarded .. silly :(
We didn't need all those papers when we registered our babies. I don;t know weather it has anything to do with them having "papers" already at birth. It was only a single page where we wrote our address and microchip number.
We agrees it is silly, it should not be that hard :(
That is government gone crazy. Sooooooo stupid. Why does you have to be registered? Would you be illegal if you weren't.
Enjoy the vet visit.
Oh how frustating! I'm sorry you're having to go to the vets. I'd love to go for you, because I think nothing is better than being put on a table and lavished in attention.
This is terrible!
Crazy government rules! Sorry that you guys have to visit the v-e-t so soon after the big move but we hope it's a quick and painles visit.
Gypsy & Tasha
That's the silliest thing we've ever heard! We don't need all that to be kitties here. Only Grete woofie needs all that paperwork official stuff.
Government red tape! That is all it is. Hopefullu the net Vet will respect the Old Vet's work and papers. Good luck!
We're so sorry about that. We hope that your visit is just going to be one where the new vet just looks at you guys, sees you in good health, looks at the paperwork, and issues a certificate.
We had to register too, but the government did not need to see the papers, just needed vaccination and spay/neuter dates.
Oh noes! That is No Fair. Wait. Did you say Aliens?
That seems very SILLY and very UNFAIR!
That stinks! Sorry you have to have a do over.
What an ordeal! We are so sorry and sending purrs your way!
Those are some strange government rules!!! But we want you two to be legal, you know...
Those are some weird rules, but we are glad you found out so you will be legal!
~ Malachi
Holy Carp is dem beans just plain stoooopid?? Sheesh! They deserve poop on their pillows fer dat.
GOOD GRIEF! That is absolutely, totally and completely RIDICULOUS! In Europe, if you have a pet passport for your animal, it is valid across borders, never mind across states! But come to think of it, #1 remembers her recent Ausie Percheron-seeking visitors describing what a gigantic palaver it is to take horses from one state to the other for shows...
Hang in there!
Double vet trips, and not counting! That's crazy!
I had a similar issue when moving from Sysndey to Brisbane! Alvin was microchipped etc with papers but I had to take him to the vet and get it scanned and verified onyl to find out that the number the vet wrote down was wrong! I asked the nice national register lady if i could just send her a copy of the nsw rego and she was like yeah just do that...if only the first person was so helpful.
Sorry that you have to go to the
V-E-T again. It's not fair! Government must be anti-kitty!
We hates the vet!!!
But we likes that blue mousie!
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