This is my new favourite toy. He is great!

He is made extra special because he has a mouse head, but the head is on a ball! So when I whap him, he wibbles and he wobbles.

I find this movement very enticing, and just have to jump on him again.
For wibbley wobbley mouse toys, this has been

P.S. Our friend Loki wrote a really great post today about how companion animals can tell humans from replicants. We highly recommend reading it,
That sure sounds like a neat mousie! Carbon's got a fluffy mousie that he likes to play basketball with. The basket is usually the couch or the bathroom sink.
Oh wow! That looks like a great toy!
Huffle Mawson
That is an awesome mousie, he looks like great fun.
We went and visited Loki to read the post and we thought it was awesome.
That's a really wonderful fluffy mousie you have Suey!
That looks like a great mouse! Will drop by Loki ;)
That is a great new toy. We were horrified at the cruelty of that man in Loki's story. WE agree that he did not get enough punishment.
I think wibbledy-wobbledy toys are extra fun, too!
You new toy is awesome, Suey!
We just finished reading the story of that very bad man. We know that sadly, there are too many like him.
Whata splended mouse, we love the colour and we like your new collars too.
Loki's post is very wise. We despair of apes sometimes.
Whicky Wuudler
oooo fun fun fun weebles wobble but they still get whapped!
i love your new collars.
Pee Ess...we had to come back because Jonesie is still laughing about what your mom said!
I love your new toy!
We can see why you love that toy!
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