Thursday, December 6, 2012

Fui's Baby

Hi everybuddy! We've been away for a while as I've been busily trying to train my new apprentice. This is Beatrix and she is my 3 week old littlest sister.
 I am trying to teach her the most comfy way to rest your back paws on the couch.
I've been headrubby and squinty eye kissing my new baby. Suey is pretty fascinated, and likes to get in close to the action. Lishy is a bit put out, but he performed a sniff test the other day and is getting happier.

It's good to be back in the blogosphere!


Poppy Q said...

Welcome sweet baby Beatrix. Your babysitter is very cute, and glad you are getting shown the ropes by your fur siblings.

Congrats to the happy family!!!

Julie and Poppy Q

Cat with a Garden said...

We are speechless with joy. She is precious, Fui! Welcome to the world, Beatrix!

Sparkle said...

Congratulations to your humans, Fui! I can tell you are already taking Beatrix under your paw. I think she is your new special friend. :)

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

OH MY CATS!!!!!!!!!

Look at that sweet little thing!!!!!!

I can't remember the wee lass ever being 3 weeks old but she must have been. I think you are much better at training, Fui, that I was.

Welcome to the world Beatrix!!!!!!! You are going to love your furry friends.

{big hugs to Foster Mum}


rainbow said...

Congratulations and welcome, dear sweet Beatrix. I can see that your wonderful big brofur, Fui, is already taking good care of you.
Purrs ... Rainbow

Anonymous said...

Fui, you are doing an excellent job taking care of your baby. Keep up the good work! Train her right, you won't be bigger than she is forever!!

Fuzzy Tales said...

Welcome back and welcome to little Beatrix! Congratulations!

Cory said...

Welcome sweet Beatrix! You are so lucky to recieve training from the bestest brother in the world. Do you realize how many kittens he has raised over the years? You are in good paws little one.


Lishy, we are sending you purrs as you get over the loss of being the baby in family. Ha!

Barb said...

Oh my gosh! What a blessing! Welcome to the world, Beatrix!

PS. I just love your name!

Random Felines said...

Welcome Beatrix. You are in good paws there.....

Marilia said...

I´m In love about the baby Beatrix and the cat-nanny!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Hello, Beatrix! We all needed some sunshine and smiles that a baby can bring! We are sure Lishy is put out because he has been the BABY for so long! She is beautiful and I know you three will protect her and help care for her

Quill and Greyson said...

Oh My Cod! Welcome Beatrix!! Nice to have you on board!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We have been waiting for you to post about Beatrix but these photos are utterly outstanding! Fui, you are the best big brother ever! She is going to grow up into a wonderful little girl with your help. Here's all paws crossed to Suey and Lishy help you more and more!

Happy Purrs,
The Chans

Andy, Kiefer and Gus said...

Congrats Fui and your Mom on your new sisser. She looks a little funny. She looks like she's missing a bunch of fur. Maybe she will grow more soon. How does she smell?


Mickey's Musings said...

Fui, your baby sister Beatrix is such a sweetie :) She is so lucky to have a big brother looking out for her.
Oh happy days for your whole family!!
Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
Tiger,Treasure,JJ and Julie
and mom Nancy

Katnip Lounge said...

Beatrix is such an ADORABLE human kittentot!!! Welcome to the world, sweetheart. Fui, we know you and Suey and Lishy McFeatherpants will show her the way to love all kitties.

Sweet Purrfections said...

Welcome back and what a cutie little Beatrix is.

Terri said...

We know your kitties will adore their new human sibling and already have plans on what to teach her :)

Congratulations on your new arrival! Beatrix is so precious.

meowmeowmans said...

Oh, Beatrix is so dear and precious! Fui, you are going to be a great babysitter! :)

Robyn said...

Oh, so sweet! Congratulations - and what a lucky girl that Beatrix is, to have you to look after her, Fui!

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

Beatrix is so precious! Congratulations on the new addition to your family! She is very lucky to have you kitties to teach her such important things.

Saku said...

Congratulations on the newest baby, she is perfectly adorable! We knows her sisfurs and brofurs will take very good care of her, especially you Fui. It looks likes she's learned well from you already!

Sasha, Sami, & Saku

Lita and the boys in Melbourne said...

Congratulations! Beatrix is a darling. And Fui, you are the ideal big brother, teaching her the ropes so young. Well done.

Catherine said...

Oh what a sweetie! Such a nice little family. Cute!
xo Catherine

The Island Cats said...

OMC! We missed this one!! Fui, we love how you are showing Beatrix how to nap! How cute!!

JC said...

You two look purrfect together. She has a nice name.

My cats loved to be near my two kids. Especially in their cribs at the end by the stuffed animals.

My oldest cat, who was a Mom to two of the cats, would get to the babies room before me. She'd hear them cry and jump into the crib to see what was going on.

Enjoy !!!

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Oh Wow!!! Congratulations!!! A warm welcome to the new member of the family. She is such a cutie pie!

Charlemagne and Tamar said...

Welcome to the world, Little Beatrix! We send you and your whole family lots of happy purrs and kitty cuddles!

Charlemagne, Tamar and Mal
(and Momma Colleen and Baby Blair, too)