Thursday, November 1, 2012

Thursday Thieving

Hi kitties! After my post on Friday about how my sister likes to pinch things, my friends from The Poupounette asked if I really thought she would steal my toehawks.
 The short answer is YES! Definately! Did you know, when Suey was a babycat and my mum and dad adopted her from the v-e-t, the staff at the clinic WARNED them that she was a sneaky little pincher. When they would bring her out of her enclosure to play at lunchtime or after hours, she used to steal pens and drag them back. She still steals pens today. The other day, my mum had taken her hair tie out and sat it on her laptop keyboard. Suey jumped up on her lap for a cuddle and was all loving and smoochy, then in a sudden burst of naughty tortitude she spun around, grabbed the hair tie and ran away. Mum and dad have also found little stockpiles of Suey goodies hidden around the house. All goodies that she pinched off others!
 Uh oh. I better run. She doesn't like it when her secrets are spilled.


Cat with a Garden said...

Did Suey dress up as a magpie at Halloween?

Cory said... are taking a lesson from Ginger. Awesome gossip my furriend!

Suey, don't worry, your secret is safe with us ::hides socks::

xoxo Cory

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

You better watch out cause she is keeping a sharp eye on you!

Random Felines said...

uh oh - sounds like you will need to keep the toes hidden!! (among other things)

Sparkle said...

Whoa, a deep, dark secret revealed!

Barb said...

I like your Skulleton, Lishy. Is that your Halloween outfit? I don't think Suey minds you telling tales. Much. hehe.

Kat said...

You kitties look SO cute!

Kat said...

You kitties look SO cute!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Can it be true, Suey???????!

But Lishy! Pens and hair ties is one thing, but is she steals your toehawks, she would have to stash the rest of you somewhere too. Has she gotten that far in her planning?

The Chans

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Ummm, is Suey a graduate from the Bower Bird Academy? I wouldn't worry, if I were you, Lishy. Toehawks are particularly hard to steal.

Catherine said...

Steals stuff? But looks at that sweet innocent face. LOL! Such a cute little thief. ;)
Happy November kitties!
xo Catherine

Marilia said...

You´re so beautiful!

meowmeowmans said...

Whoa. Keep those toehawks squared away, Lishy!

Saku said...

At least she hides the goodies where mom and dad can find them. Sometimes things go missing here and we NEVER find them, MOL

Sasha, Sami, & Saku

Charlemagne and Tamar said...

She's just stocking up in case those things are ever needed, right?

Charlemagne, Tamar and Mal