Hi everybuddy. It's Suey here. I told Fui I would write this post for him as he is a little bit embarassed. Early last year Fui had a couple of episodes of relatively minor kitty acne. When he had his health problems later in the year, the medications he was on had the unintended benefit of bringing the kitty acne completely under control. Apparently, prednisolone (a steroid) is about the most effective treatment for persistant acne.

This year we have been weaning Fui off the medications. He had been completely drug free for several weeks when the acne came back, and it came back with a vengeance. I think it might have been making up for lost time, and it got severe very quickly. We took him to the vet and he was put back on a short course of steroids, anti-biotics and special wipes for his chin. We were really shocked when our new vet said that given how quickly it had become an issue we could have been looking at having to have his chin cleaned out under anaesthetic if it had been left another couple of days, as it was just on the point of becoming abscessed. That was scary, as it had only been a matter of days since it first became visible.
I promised Fui I would only show him from his 'good' side in this post. This all happened 3 weeks ago, and he finished his medications a week ago. Luckily it all healed up nicely, and so far his chin is still looking good. He does have a few bald spots. We're watching him like hawks and making sure his chin stays clean. It was a good reminder of how quickly things can get serious with kitties as we hide things so well. Hopefully we will be able to avoid a recurrence. Paws crossed!
So glad his chin is all better. So very, VERY glad. purrs
Poor baby.....that stuff is evil.
Read your comment - we have heard that white cats with blue eyes can be deaf, but infertile??? Really?? And why didn't these peoples vet tell them otherwise - oh wait...that presumes they took him to a vet. sigh..... :)
Poor Fui! We know how embarrassing acne can be! WE are glad you are better now and keeping a close eye on it!
Poor Fui! Don't be embarrassed, okay? We love you no matter what, sweet pal. Glad to hear things are better now.
Purrrrrrrs for Fui!!!!!
Oh, and Happy Gotcha Day, pal! Big hugs, and we hope you have a wonderful day. :)
Fui, as far as we are concerned, you are a handsome devil no matter what! But we're grad to hear that things are under control!
The Chans
Fui shouldn't be embarrassed - he can't help having that acne!
Things do go wrong very fast with us kitties sometimes. It's a good reminder for humans to always keep an eye on us health-wise.
Aww, Fui, we're glad you're better now! You have wonderful humans; we all know how quickly things can get out of hand, really without warning.
BTW, happy Gotcha Day! We hope you'll get extra treats and cuddles today!
Ohhh Fui, you poor fellow. You're not having much luck lately are you :( I get acne too, not as bad as what you have. I'm purring for you lots.
Don't be embarrassed Fui, our Casper has chin acne too. It's not as bad as yours but it sure is persistent. It started at the end of February and he still has some despite my best efforts! We hope your will be all cleared up soon :-)
Junior and I so know how you feel Fui! We both have that kitty acne, and we hate it. At least I only have the acne, my brofur has something similar on his tail too. We are glad yours has gotten better.
Suey, thank you for the update on Fui. You look too cute !!
Tell Fui not to worry about his looks. He is always handsome to us :)
Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
Tiger,Treasure and JJ
Oh dear, poor Fui - so glad you are feeling better - long may it last. Special healing purrs to you and thank you to Suey for letting us know what has been happening. We have missed you.
How sweet of you to be so protective of Fui. We hope his acne doesn't return!
We came by to wish Fui a Happy Gotcha Day.
Suey, you are a sweet sister to show only Fui's good side. Mommy's verreh first kitty used to get awful cystic acne (Mommy would lance them) and it was a bear to heal. Paws crossed that Fui will stay clear from now on!
Aw, poor Fui! We're glad the acne cleared up and we hope it doesn't come back!
Happy Gotcha Day, Fui. Purrrrrring that your acne clears up soonest.
All paws crossed for you, Fui. and our tails, too!
Dude! Gingerkins here...hope you don't mind me saying that...but we are still the best of buds, right Fui? Our guardian angel Morgan used to get kitty acne and mom used to clean her chin everyday with mild soap and water with a cotton ball. We hope you are all healed up and you don't have it get so bad, ok?
Manly headbutts,
Just stopping by to say hi... so sorry to hear about Fui's acne. Prednisolone is the same thing that our little boy Alex has to take when he gets very bad asthma. It makes him grumpy! Hope it didn't make Mr Fui grumpy. Glad he's on the mend now. Maybe he needs some ProActiv? He could become a spokescat. It worked for Delta ;)
Poor kitty! Banjo and I send lots of purrs and kisses!
xo Catherine
Just scrolling through some of your older posts (as I just found you) and I have to say that is kind of scarey that it was so close to abscessing so quickly! I hope he's all better now
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