Thank you to for the lovely Gotcha Day messages for yesterday. It was my 5th Gotcha Day! My mum forgot, so we're celebrating a day late.
This was me on my first day in my new home. The second I arrived, I behaved like I'd been there forever. Did you know, when I first moved in my mum and dad had 'rules' for me. I was supposed to sit on a special blanket on the couch, and I wasn't allowed on the bed. Bahahahahaha! You can imagine how long that lasted. Now I was the first kittencat that had ever lived with my mum, but my dad? He had no excuse for such silliness. Now they don't even complain when I try to sleep on their heads. I have trained them well.
On the first night that mum and dad left me home alone, they carefully constructed a fence to keep me confined to a small area of the lounge room, close to my litter tray, food, and the bed I never ever slept in (not even once). When they got home a couple of hours later they freaked out when they couldn't find me in my little area, only to realise I'd escaped my prison and was sound asleep on the couch. And not on my 'special blanket', either. MOL.
I've grown up to be a very sweet, cuddly, gentle boy who will make friends with anyone. I mother kittens like nobody's business, and I take very good care of my siblings. Mum says I give the best smoochy cuddles of all time.
I hope you'll stay to celebrate with me :)
Love Fui.
Happy slightly belated gotcha day, Fui! What were your humans thinking when they brought you home, with ll those silly rules??? Maybe they work for dogs, but kitties? Ha! NEVER!
Happy Gotchaversary, honey pie!
PS. Rules? bahahahaha......
What fabulous photos, Fui!
#1 laughed when she read about the rules and special blanket. When she got her very first kitten, Ikkyu, she had rules too. They didn't last long either...
The Chans
Happy Gotcha Day Fui!!! Banjo's is coming up this weekend. Oh we are lucky humans to have such wonderful kitties in our lives!
I hope you have a terrific day with lots of treats! :)
xo Catherine
Happy Gotcha Day you beautiful boy!!!! Your mum and dad are super lucky to have gotchad such a wonderful kitty :-)
you had a baby jail?? MOL With baby looks like that, no wonder they let you "break" the rules....
Happy Gotcha day Fui! YOu were an adorable baby. How could any one tell you No!
Dear Fui, belated Happy Gotcha Day - you were a sweet little kitten and now you are even better - especially as you have trained your humans and they now accept that YOU make the rules!! Special purrs and paws crossed for your continued well-being.
Your mom forgot your gotcha day? Oh my! Extra treats for you, for sure!
HAPPY GOTCHA DAY! May your day be filled with love & cuddles and treats & nip. Lots & lots of the nip! purrs
Happy Gotcha Day, Fui!
Our human is slow catching up on the bloggies. She said one of her previous cats had chin acne, too. The vet told her to use hydrogen peroxide to clean her kitty's chin. She got rid of the plastic water and food dishes and now only uses stoneware. She gets them at thrift stores.
Sweet Fui, Happy Gotcha Day dear!
We'll stay to help you celebrate for sure, Fui! What a cutie pie you were (and still are). :)
Now, please tell us some more of those great stories about how you trained your parents so well! MOL!
Happy Gotcha Day, Fui!
We are sure you'll get to sleep on your mom's head tonight as a special treat.
Happy 5th Gotcha Day Fui!!!
We have been delighted watching you and Suey and all the fosters you have fostered. You certainly got a wonderful home and we can tell you are a very happy boy!!!
We will be happy to stay and help you celebrate!!!!!!!!!!!
Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
Tiger,Treasure and JJ
Happy Gotcha Day Fui!!!
Happy Gotcha Day, Fui. and may you have a hundred more!
Happy Gotcha Day Fui! We adore you and mom has been embarrassing herself squeeing over your kitten pics! I heard that our mom had "rules" when she adopted her first kitten. Ha! They lasted about 10 minutes! The only rule that makes sense is that CATS RULE!!!!
Enjoy your day sweetie boy.
xoxo Ginger, Cory, Ellie, Bennette, Figaro, Cecilia, Madison, Jonesie, Nigel and Grete
Oh fooey, Fui! We missed your Gotcha Day + 1! We hope you had a happy day!!
Happy belated Gotcha day! We hope that you had a great one and got lots of treats and cuddles!
Charlemagne, Tamar and Mal
Yes I am late as usual (::glares at mum::) but happy gotcha day Fui!
We read on the CB that it's Suey's gotcha day. Happy Gotcha Day, sweet pal! :)
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