I found a fun place to climb.

It is super great awesome fun!

I can get up so HIGH! It's all very exhillarat-
LISHY LEWIS KITTENHEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I mean...

I would never climb up on the rail and have actually been sitting on the cat tree all the time.

Curtain Rail Surfing is exhilarating but, for some unknown reason, not terribly appreciated by our humans. They are a bid odd, aren't they?!
The Chans
Now why would your human get upset about that? It takes great skill to do that, Lishy. She should be impressed!
Lishy Lewis Kittenhead, you did NOT do that! Because ypou're an angel. Your Mom obviously photoshopped you into those photos. That's my deep-down in my heart and soul belief!
Busted!! Besides, I don't think those rails were meant to hold kitties and you might fall....
Is not safe doing that Lishy. Trust me. Miki does things like that and Buddy is always having to fuss at him for his mischief. We don't want no hurt kitties, and surfing rails and rods is just askin for a hurtin.
Stay on the tower.
That is some cat tree !!!
Ohh! That looks like FUN!
Virus and Hyssy
Your cat tree is awesome!!! I bet your mum and dad didn't expect you to rail-walk when they bought it for you. I laughed and laughed at your quick retreat :-)
That looks really fun. Kirby likes to give Mom a heart attach bu getting on top of the door by the cat tree and then standing on his back legs and stretching toward the ceiling!
Gee Lishy! You know Mom is serious when they use all 3 names!
Wonder if we have 3 names...heeheehee
We love your cat tree!!!!
Purrs Mickey, Georgia & Tillie
That looks like fun. I would have done it too if I had a cat tree that would take me up that far.
You are looking extreme white and handsome, Lishy Lewis Kittendhead!!!
Wow, I think that is so COOL that you can climb on the curtain railing! Just pretend you did not hear or see your human!
Wow!! You are "the amazing tight-rope walking kitty!!"
Wow! When you get called by your full name, you know it's not a good thing! But what fun while it lasted!!
Lishy Lewis Kittenhead!
You're a goofball!
I've heard rail surfing will be an event in the 2012 CatOlympics...you should enter!
Oh...you are very talented, and sneaky, hahameow!
How is it when the humans are extra excited they give us a middle name?
I saw nothing. Nothing.
Yes, all the time you were on the cat tree. Anything else was simply an illusion.
Lishy, we adore your facial expression in the first pictures. You look very content with yourself. We would both most certainly try to climb there too.
And man, that new camera is paying off - we feel so close to you by these pictures. If your mom finds the time maybe she could tell our mom which model she chose...
I believe you Lishy.
Teddy Westlife.
Awesome Action Here !
If you need a me to play with, Just call me
I would love to do that with you : )
That is quite the tight rope act ~ you are almost ready for the circus sweet kitty! :)
xo Catherine
LISHY LEWIS KITTENHEAD !!!!!! MOL! Are yoo telling porkies?
(Rhyming slang: Porkies = porky pies = lies!)
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