Hey kitties. You might remember our Christmas present from Father Christmas- an IOU on a post it note, stuck to a bag of our treats that he took out of our cupboard.

Well kitties, he came through.

Our cat tree from
Michael's Custom Scratching Posts arrived on the weekend, and we are uber happy with it. The platforms are big enough for a certain 10 tonne tabby to relax on without falling off, and it is sturdy enough to stand up to his enormity when he goes crazybones. Father Christmas had seen the company recommended on a cat forum mum uses, and when he saw that the company was based in Melbourne, he thought making us wait would be a good way to avoid the extra weight in the sleigh.

Suey loves scratching on carpet, so she is very happy to have some good parental approved carpet that she can go to town on.

Thankyou for your purrs for our friends up north. There are lots of power outages so we are still waiting to hear from most of them to know that everything is ok. As there is no way for us to find out how our former foster kitties are doing, we are just trying to believe the best.
Whoa! I think the cat tree was worth the wait!
We will continue to purr for humans and animals in the path of the cyclone. We've never had to go through anything like that and can only imagine how scary it is.
xoxo Cory
Yeah, that cat tree is pawsome! I too am hoping for the best up in Queensland, for all the kitties and humans who were in the cyclone's path.
Fantastic cat tree that one. My clowder would love to have one of those. Theirs is getting a bit weather (an other) worn.
Our best wishes and thoughts go out to all in the path of the Cyclone down there. We all hope the worst has already been and gone and all make out alright.
most awesome cat tree ever?
we are hearing that the storm wasnt as bad as feared,THANK GOD.
This is great cat tree !!!
Mom love the idea " Custom Made " Because most of the cat tree in the market is just look like for the little kitten...so so small !
Mom bought one for me last Christmas, my dad have to take some part off
because it's just too small. and Mom said thank you so much for the link : )
Your new tree is absolutely wonderful. All those perches... and it's so high. Cool!
We saw some pictures from the cyclone yesterday on the internet, it was scary. Still all paws crosed!
I might send my mum to look at that company. I could do with a new cat tree!
That cat tree is the bomb! Do humans and kitties still say "the bomb?" Who cares...It totally rocks! Wow!
Hooray, that looks like a very most excellent cat tree!
Holy moly - that tree is AWESOME!!!
We are sending purrs to everyone over there and hope all your fosters are OK.
It is so good when things happen as they are meant to! That is one fabuloso cat tree! We are envious!!!
The Chans
THat was well worth the wait! You got a wonderful scratching tree!
I agree, this was DEFINITELY well worth the wait and THEN SOME!
Wow! That cat tree is awesome!! We can see why you like it so much!!
We continue to purr for those affected by the cyclone.
That is a cool cat tree! We hope you have lots of enjoyable hours on it!
WOW! That IOU was well worth waiting for. On a bag of treats, yoo say? We're gonna check our treats straight away in case Santa left us an IOU too!
MeWowZa...that is quite a tree! And a good viewing station for the outside, too! Do you ever sleep on those platforms? We would kinda be afraid we'd roll off. We never sleep on our flat shelfed tree but do on the ones that have 'cradle like' perches.
What a great looking tree!
That is a fantastic tall tree ~ lots of fun to be had I think! :)
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