Today, Suey and I had to go to the vet. We had our health checks and our needle. I weighed in at 7.06kg (15.5 pounds) and Suey is 4.88kg (10.7 pounds). Little Lishy is still the baby. Just before we went on our holiday, he weighed in at 3.96kg (8.7 pounds).

That was not the fun part of my Friday. The fun part is this Wunderful Wubba!

I have been wrassling it, bunnykickin' it, chomping on it and flicking it through the air. It makes jingly crinkly sounds that make me wild!

I hope you have a fun weekend, friends :)
From Fuifui.
Wow Lishy! I am impressed! At 3.96 kilos, you're quite a bit heavier than my 3.05kg!
Glad you're enjoying the Wubba, Fuifui. Maybe you need to give us some lessons. We have one but we don't even play with it.
Sorry you had to go to the doctor's. I hope the needle did not pinch you too badly. Harley has a Wubba that he loves, too!
Do you know, I think I am only a little bit bigger than Lishy.
I told you the wubba is great fun!
Uh oh...Ginger is getting ideas Fui! She's just about your size!
We are so glad you had good health checks. We have a Wubba on a string that is lots of fun!
Fui, We didn't realize you were such a MANLY ManCat. Wow!
Your wubba toy looks like fun...maybe we'll get one from Sandy Claws this year.
We also think Sweet Pea and Lishy are related! Does Lishy like to race around like his tail's on fire? Yup, we thought so! MOL!
Wow those sound like great weights to us! We bet that Barney is around your size (we haven't weighed him recently) and Gus will be a big mancat like you too! And Suey is a perfect weight for a ladycat, and boy, Lishy is BIG - maybe not super giant but that is bigger than we expected him to be!
And that wubba looks like a lot of fun - we can tell you love it!
Have a great weekend!
That wubba looks like loads of fun! What a great way to forget about the vet trip!
We're glad the vet visit is over and you guys are all well...It looks like you are having a much better time playing with your cute toy!...Happy weekend, sweet friends...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Whew!!! We are glad you did OK at the Vet!! Better yet, you get to come home to play with a wubba!!!!!!!!
No wonder you are so happy!! heehee
Have a fun weekend ;)
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
We're glad your v-e-t visit went well, Fui!! Have fun with your Wubba!!!
We love our Wubba too!!
Lishy, you keep on growing!!
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