Something mum thought was cool at the Spring Katz show was that they had a section for domestic pets. Even though they were 'just' companion cats, they still had millions of acronyms before their names! We think they must have been pros.
This is WNCA Sapphire DB GD CH Waratah GD National CH Katzmau Charro (phew!). He is a part pedigree cat, but we're not sure which part. He seemed to be a kitty who really enjoyed being at the show. He was resting his chin on his water cup, drinking it all in. He reminded mum a bit of Fui, because Fui is also quite a cool cat.

This kitty made mum laugh. He is WNCA Opal DB GD CH Waratah GD National CH Noodle. He was resting behind his bed, and when mum and dad walked past, he poked his head out. He has the sweetest little face! It looked like a permanent smile.

This is Midnight Rose. She was the sweetest little thing! She was trying to squeeze between the bars to get snuggles from dad. Dad politely explained that he wasn't allowed to give her cuddles, but Midnight Rose was not happy with that answer. We can understand- dad gives very good snuggles:)

We're glad they were there to represent on behalf of us born in a bin cats. MOL!:)
***Edited to add***
We scheduled this post before the Hogwarts kittens arrived. The three are doing well. Today, Harry and Hermione are graduating to bottle feeding. They were suckling on the syringes. Ron has also started showing much more of an interest in his food. All three no longer have their umbilical cords attached. That is nice, because they were pretty yuck!
Great news on the Hogwarts kittens! And lovely photos of the show kitties!
Chilli wants to got to a show now too. Sigh.
Yay to the babies!
I would not like to go to a show. What if someone tried to touch my belly or something?
Huffle Mawson
We are sure your Dad would have given cuddles if he was allowed. WE are glad to hear the Hogwarts babies are doing so well.
How wonderfully pawsome dat the Hogwarts kittehs are doin so well! It's all dat love at yer house, we is bettin (if we was bettin kittehs).
We love the show cat piccys, they all are bootiful!
Every day I cannot wait to hear how the Hogwarts are doing. Hooray for them!
Glad to hear the little ones are still improving! Great pix of the show kitties - the titles can sure confuse us. We understand the term "alphabet soup" even more now.. it's all soup to us!
What sweet kitties! We like the one that's smiling!
Glad to hear the Hogwart kitties continue to do well!
Those are great kitties, glad the trio is doing well.
What fun to come to your blog to see all the great kitties ! Those Hogwarts are wonderful!!!!!
Thank you for visiting us and leaving such nice words & purrs for our Dad and his surgery!
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