When Dad saw the sorry state of the cat grass and nip that mum tried to grow from seeds, he knew there was no other option but to make an emergency trip to the nursery. He is a wise man, my dad. He came home with a great selection for us!

This is the first type of cat grass.

And this is the second type of cat grass. It is a bit thicker than the first type. Mum thinks it might be a different type of grass, but she hasn't got the greenest thumb, so isn't really sure. She is pretty certain that the cat grass she has been trying to grow is a different type, as it is much thinner and finer.

This is some White Cat Mint. The tag says that it is great for a natural high! So Fui and I are planning some fun times ahead.

Mum and dad also found this cat pack. It has two stalks of cat grass, cat mint and cat nip!

Our pots are set up next to our food, and we like having a nibble after dinner. The moment mum brought the plants in, we were right over to them, having a great big sniff and nomming on down, so she thinks we've missed having some greenery. We also have two little catgrass pots in our front window, and two in our bathroom. Mum really wanted to try and bring a bit of outside in, because she knows how much we loved our garden. Hopefully these plants will survive for a little while... mum! MOL!
I hope you have a greenery filled week:)
What a great garden. My mum is lacking any green fingers as well. She is the green killer!!
I will have mum read these tips so that she learns how to look after my parsley pot in the new garden.
Huffle Mawson
It's a lush kitty jungle! What a sweet Daddy you have!
That is a beautiful indoor garden! We really love the flowers. Enjoy nom nomming on it all!
What a lovely indoor garden and so conveniently located too. I hope I just didn't duplicate my post. Blogger is acting naughty for me today.
You got a real good dad! Now it looks like you are all set in the greens department. I have never heard of "white" catnip before.
Now thats a great dad! Went right out & got you more! That is a nice garden set up you have!!
That is a very special Dad that got you an indoor garden before he left. I hope your mom has better luck than ours did. Our cat grass turned brown ans Mom called it Cat hay. It was still very sweet but a little tough!
WOW!!!!!!! Look at all that great stuff!! How can you leave it alone :O
Your Dad is the best!!!
Purrs Mickey, Georgia & Tillie
I suspect you two will keep that grass well trimmed.
You are so lucky to have that grass to munch on whenever you want!
It all looks so yummy! :) We love catgrass.
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