In April, mum and dad went to Paronella Park. It is an amazing place up in the rainforest on the way to Cairns.

ONE man built this! It was for a family home, then part of it became a dance hall and theatre. Now it is a tourist attraction. He also built a dam and a generator, so the place could run on ydroelectric energy. This was in the 1930's, I might add! It is set in the rainforest, and mum says it is a beautiful peaceful place.

It came close to being ruined just over a decade ago. A man bought the property, and it had a mysterious 'accidental' fire shortly after. Luckily, it wasn't destroyed. The Park also mostly survived Cyclone Larry in 2006, although it lost many of the trees.
Visit the home of the PhotoHunt for more entries, or to join in yourself:)
This week's theme resulted to discovering historical places among other things. Nice share. Mine is up, too. Happy weekend!
ONE!!?!! man built this? Wow, that in itself is astounding. Great photos.
My Native American Sonoran Desert Ruin is posted...come join me, won't you?
Happy Hunting!
What an amazing place! I'm so glad it wasn't completely dstroyed.
That place looks amazing! I wish I could visit somewhere like that.
ONE man? Hoomans are amazing when they puts their mind to it.
Places like this should never be destroyed, but it happens ...
How exotic! I love exploring such places. :)
I did Photo Hunt today, too. I hope you get a chance to visit and leave your link!
P.S. Your cat Archie looks a lot like my little half-Siamese, Livvy! I'm amazed at the resemblance.
Have a great weekend!
Amazing! One man built that? Wow! Would be wonderful to vist such places.
Now this is scary! I haven't been there for 33 years when I visited with my parents, grandparents and little brothers and loved it. I would love to go back there next time I am in Oz. Christine
Good thing that place was not RUINED!!! It looks like a neat place to play around in!!! I think a lot of kitties would like it ,heeheehee
Purrs Mickey
Wow we haz bnever heard of that place.. how coool!!! Your Momma and Dadda are very lucky to get to go visit that neat place.. we think that man was magic to do that by himself! :)
nice story behind the place. and it looks lovely. good that someone came to the rescue.
thanks for the visit! :)
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