My name is Seamus. I am very small, probably about 4 weeks old.

My foster mum is sad to think of my siblings. I needed a bit of extra care this last week, and will likely need bottle feeds twice a day for about another week. I'm still learning how to get around properly on my wobbly legs. She hopes that they made it.
We would like to say that we hope everyone takes a moment to remind their friends and family that it is important to be careful when aquiring a new feline (or any other animal or bird or fishie, for that matter). People don't always have the best interests of the animals at heart, and will not be looking out for the customer, either. This woman didn't care that we weren't ready to be adopted out into homes yet, especially ones that weren't aware or prepared for baby kittens. Whether someone is looking for a purebred kitty, or looking for a moggy in pet shops, newspapers and adoption centres, they need to be careful about who they chose to give money to. This woman got money for us. She benefitted, even if we didn't. And there is nothing to stop her doing it again, unless people refuse to buy from her.
Aww! Hai, Seamus! You are about as old as me when mai mom died, and about as old as Lazarus the Zombie Kitten when we brought him back from the dead.
Neither of us remember how to knead so don't be surprised if you furget. I try sometimes but my primate pokes fun. I lick fingerz, instead, cuz I was bottle-fed. It's all good, anywayz.
You iz in a good place, nao!
<3 Loki
Awww Seamus you is an itty bitty kitty. I hope you have fun playing with the other kittens and get big and strong real soon.
Oh My you is super dooper little.
I feel very sad for those poor little kittehs too!
You know I do not understand how there can be so many kittehs in shelters when this lady seemed to have gotten rid of so many so quickly.. what a horrid lady.
Momma will never buy a kitteh from a pet store again either, will not even buy food or anything or support pet stores that sell animals either.
Mushka was a pet store kitteh and you can really tell how horrible it woz for her, not to mention she woz just a sooper dooper tiny little girl like you too!
Momma knows better NOW...
Either ways you are a very lucky kitteh to have found your way to where you are now :))
Seamus, you are such a cutie. I'm sure you will have so much fun at your new foster home.
Thank you for your wise words. We all must do our part to prevent exploitation of animals. I also hope that Seamus's siblings got the care they needed.
I agree with you Seamus!!!! I hope your siblings survive too!! What about the Mama cat? Maybe she was just off hunting for food! That lady was mean and stupid! You are the lucky one :) have fun at your safe place!!!!!!!
Purrs Mickey
oh, i just love the cat pics here..i hope this little kitty with wobbly legs will go stronger soonest.
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