On another note, our friend Luxor is having problems with his teeth. He is not feeling that great, and his mum has asked people and kitties to visualise him with a happy healthy mouth. We hope everyone will join with us in sending lots of healthy happy vibes and energy his way :)
Have a super duper week, everyone!:)
You did a great job carving your jack-o-lantern. It looks very spooky/funny. We're sending lots and lots of positive, healing purrs to Luxor.
Wow. We have never seen a two-faced pumpkin before!
You done good! That must be a really big pumpkin.
That's a fine looking pumpkin! ;o)
haha that is very neat!! I bet it was fun getting all "sticky wit it" hehe Ok ok ollddd song.. :P
We is still sending lots of healings light Luxies way :))
The pumpkin is a little skeery. We iz all purring for Lux too and hoping he gets well furry soon..
Cute pumpkin.
I love the pumpkin! You did a very, very good job!
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