My name is Holly, and I am the bravest Blossom. As such, I have appointed myself as spokeskitten of the group. Poppy and Jimmy are far too sooky to communicate properly, so it really is a necessity!
We were born in a foster home, and are part of a litter of five. Our catmum wasn't in great shape, so the decision was made to seperate us a bit earlier, to try and give her the chance to get strong and healthy again. Because it would be tough work getting five kittens socialised well and caught up on their cat manners, the decision was made to split us into a group of three and a pair.
The good news is that the foster home we were born in is going to be our catmum's forever home, which we think is very cool. The unwed mothers can have a hard time getting adopted at the shelter when there are so many fluffy kittens running around.
We were weaned onto crunchies and stinky goodness prior to being seperated from our catmum. Poppy and I are also good with our litterbox, but Jimmy likes to have a wee on the blankets. He is a bit of a silly boy sometimes!
We love playing with toys, and have so much fun wrestling and fighting with them. Our felt mice are particular favourites. I have a new love for toilet paper rolls, too.
Poppy and Jimmy also have fun playing with each other. Our foster mum suggested including these for your viewing pleasure.

I guess they are kind of cute together.
Hold on...
Hahaha you tell her, Jimmy!
And they wonder why I've taken on the job of keeping them in line... silly kittens!
Love from
Nice to meet you, Holly! You are all so very cute, and it's nice to see you're keeping your siblings under control!
Bajas & Virus
Squeeeeeee! <----- That was Mommy, she thinks you are too cute for words!
Yay for your catmum getting her Forever Home! Holly, you are adorable, as are Poppy and Jimmy!
Hi Holly
What cuties you all are....ohmeohmy just adorable little balls of fur....
I'm happy your catmum got a forever home. YAY!! Those are adorable pictures of you. You are all precious!
Holly, you did a very good job telling us all about you and your siblings. I am glad your furrymom already has a Forever home! That's wonderful news.
Oh Holly what a sweetie you are for sharing your brothers antics.
They look like so much fun to play with!!
Momma just wants to make a kitteh ball with them and .... Momma is... better left unsaid.
We both are so very very happy though that your catMomma found a forever home already, that is such nice news.
We iz very much looking forward to see more of you all :)
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