He did do me a big favour though, and that was look after my mum. Sometimes mum would work in the afternoon with my friend Greta, which was good. A lot of the time though, she worked in the morning which could be quite intimidating and sometimes a bit sad. Kitten would keep my mum company and be a good friendly face. When my dad had to go away last year, Kitten waited with them for the taxi to come and then looked after mum when she was a bit upset.
So thankyou, Kitten, for being my mum's friend. Thankyou for letting her practice clinical observation skills without trying to chomp on her too often. And thanks for giving her a giggle. You're kind of an allright mancat and I might even miss you. But don't go getting a big head over it, your cheeks are chubby enough already!
Right, that's enough soppiness for one day. Hey, Ginger, get a load of these cheeks!
So sweet ~ it's amazing how having a four legged furry friend around can help us get through those lonely times. Sweet post.
xo Catherine
Fui, that was very nice of you to thank Kitten for helping out your mom!
And nice tocks!!
you are such a sensitive kitty! I love how thankful you are and how you took the time to vocalize it.
This was the sweetest ever!
Whoa Fui! What did you do to my sister Ginger? She passed out cold...and there was the sound of a BIG girl hitting the floor.
You're such a cheeky boy.
Kitten the Vetcat was very good to your mom, looking after her so it's the right thing to do to thank him properly. I know we will miss him when you move away too. He is very cute.
xoxo Cory & Ginger and the rest of us too!
Nice division of duties boys!!! Fui looks after mum indoors and Kitten looks after her out in the big bad world...isn't it nice to be so loved :-)
Fui, that was terribly sweet of you. Did your mom get a new camera? All of the recent photos are truely beautiful!
Fui, that was nice of you to thank Kitten. It's nice to know your mom is being looked after even outside! :)
Nice tocks! MOL
I hate to admit it as much as you do, Fui, but sometimes kitties outside the family are helpful to our humans! That was nice of you to thank Kitten the Vetcat for his help.
We knew you didn't mind him so much and would miss him!
Kitten is a cutie and a good kitty to boot for looking after your mum. I know you will miss him.
Very sweet post about Kitten! He looks like my Lucky. Is he a BIG boy like Lucky...a 14 pound puddle of fur?
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