Friday, January 28, 2011

Friends on Friday

Have a lovely weekend, everybuddy. Here we are forecast to have the hottest weekend of the year so far, so we're planning on taking it easy and staying cool.


Cory said...

Enjoy your weekend and stay cool! Mom is planning on going to a cat show this weekend. I don't understand why she would go and look at other cats when she can look at us all day.

Humans are silly.

xoxo Cory

Random Felines said...

Stay cool everyone. We wanted to send you some snow that we have here, but mom said it would melt before it got there.

Buddy Bear said...

Oh I does wish we could has the airyconditioning on again. I loves it's cool more than I does Da Nature Ladys cool. Well, I loves the heaters too. I not likes winter, thas all 'tis to it.

Yu guys lookin good up dere. Stays cool an outta da sunbeams.

JC said...

So Cute !!!

Sparkle said...

I am beginning to think that the weather here in southern California has been pretty close to perfect for the past couple of weeks! No snow, no rain, nice and warm during the day but not too hot, lots of sun puddles and good Bird TV. We have been lucky!

Katnip Lounge said...

Cat Spit is the Ultimate Air Cooler!

=^..^= said...

Thank you so much fur visiting us! You are lucky. We dun haf air-conditioning here. So when it hits 40°C, we keep cool by staying motionless. We dun move. AT ALL!

~Slash & Bronzy

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

"hottest weekend of the year??" OMC! We are getting more snow!!!!

Adorable photos!

The Island Cats said...

Aw, how sweet!! Stay cool!! We wish you could send some of that heat to us!!

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Oh nos, not more heat on the way!!!!

Thanks for your purrs. I am not here with any good news because nothing has changed. SS has hoped cooler weather may induce me to start eating but no.

The word verification is 'aquacat'. Swimming, anycat?

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

THose are the cutest pictures!

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

Happy weekend to you, too!

Teddy Westlife said...

It sure is gonna be a hot one, kitties! Stay cool!

Cheyenne -Millie said...

We wish we could send some of our cold weather to you! Take care of yourselves!