Today marks the beginning of a special 48 hours in my house. It's my Gotchabirthdayversary! My third one!
Today I am three years old. Tomorrow I will have been living with my family for three years. My mum first met me when I was only hours old. My eyes were sealed shut, my umbilical cord was attached and I was still a bit icky from the birthing process. I had been rescued from bushes by a very kind man who found my littermate brother and sister three years ago today, and then after searching for hours for the source of my squeeking found me in bushes three years ago in the early hours of tomorrow.I struggled a lot as a kitten and had a number of close calls. I was given a bad prognosis by my vets that suggested I would have a very short life. My vets did not count on one thing though, and that was how strong the power of purr and of love is. Right from the very beginning of my life I have been given love by my mum and dad, Fui and Suey, my littermates Harry and Hermione, and all my wonderful blogging friends. It's the kind of thing that vets can't prescribe, but it's power is legendary.
I haven't just defied the bad prognosis, I've turned it right on it's head. I have grown into a strong, brave, funny, silly, loving, kind, crazy little cat. I adore my family, and they adore me right back.
I hope you will stay to celebrate with me :)
Party at Lishy's!!!!!
Oh sweet furriend, we remember the day you were found and we've been purring for you ever since. I think my momma Ellie would have teleported over to nurse you herself if she could have managed it!
We are all ready to let's dance, roll in the nip and roast a chicken!!!! Sock songs will come later.
xoxo Cory and family
Love you lots Lishyliscious - glad that you proved the vets wrong and found a fabulous furever home.
Julie and Poppy Q
Concatulations! What a beautiful reason to pawty. Happy 3rd Gotchabirthdayversary, Lishy!
Lishy, you are just proof that miracles exist! Happy EVERYTHING to you!
Oh, Lishy honey, you've been gorgeous every single moment of your life! So precious and so handsome! Happy Gotchabirthdayversary, honey pie! srsly.
Oh Lishy, has it really been three years? I remember Inigo and I purring SO loud for you when you were small! It's made Rumblemum tear up to see you now, such a big strong boy.
Sending you lots of love, my friend.
WOW!! 3 years already :o
We have enjoyed every bit of those 3 years too :)
We are delighted to help you celebrate !!!
Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
Tiger,Treasure,JJ and Julie
Three amazing and yes, miraculous, blessed years. :-)
Have a wonderful celebration--and here's to many more birthdays and gotcha days to come!
Have a lovely party, Lishy, you deserve it!
Thank you for inviting us to celebrate with you. Happy Birthday & Gotcha Day to a gorgeous three year old.
Sweet Boy, we remember every minute of it! We smiled and cried, and purred with you and for you, and were so happy when you did defy the odds. You are now one of the bestest looking guys in the entire whole wide world (and getting The Beebs and Genji to admit that is something!). Live Long and Prosper, RONNIELICIOUS!!!
Happy Third Gotchabirthaversary!
Purrs, Woofs, Neighs and Hugs,
Tama-Chan, Sei-Chan, Bibi-Chan, Gen-Chan, Tommy, Vidock, Violette and #1
HAPPY Gotchabirthdayversary..... We are EVER so glad you were founded and adopted and make those darned v-e-t-s regret their words. Have a WONDERFUL day handsome mancat!!
OMG! Happy Gotcha and Birthday!!!
We remember your first days and purring for you, sweet boy. Here's to a big huge spoiling, and Mama Sweet Pea says she's quite proud of you.
Oh my Cod, you're story never ceases to amaze us, dearest Lishy! Happy hoppy Gotchabirthayversary to you!!!
Yer is a lufly kitty Lishy. We is so glad ya survived and thrived :)
Happy 3rd Gotchabirfdayversary!
What a sweet story. Happy Birthday / Gotcha Days.
Oh Lishy I remember it all! You are so handsome!
Happy special days to you!!!
Lishy, I remember you as a very sick tiny baby. I was always apprehensive opening your blog for fear of getting bad news! But then you started thriving and growing and turned into your very handsome, cute, lovable self!
What a pawsome day to stop by and meow hello! Happy Birthday Lishy! Purring you are all well! Will try and stop by soon to catch up.
purrs Luke
Yay! HAPPY Gotchabirthdayversary, Lishy! We KNEW you would defeat the odds and survive!! Now, let's party! This is something to celebrate!! oxoxox
Hooray! You are such a sweetie! I am so happy you ended up in a home full of so much love. It's a beautiful thing!
Celebrate good times party on sweet kitty!
xo Catherine
You are terrific, Lishy! We love you and are so happy you grew up to be such a fabulous kitty! You have shown us what love can do! Happy Cataversary!!!!
OMG I have SUCH an unreasonable fondness for white kitties. And those eyes! Such a gorgeous kitty <3 ~Katy
Concatulations on your birthday/gotchaversary! You are one very lucky kitty to have found such a loving forever home.
We wish you many more happy years!!!
Sasha, Sami, & Saku (Mom Eileen)
Oh Lishy I am so sorry I missed your Gotcha Day, please accept my very best (but belated) wishes!!!! We are so glad that the vet was wrong and you grew into such a wonderful and strong kitty :-) Your baby pictures are adorable, we love you!!!
Meowzers !
I missed your birthday Party :(
Here comes a late HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!
Sorry we're late to wish you a happy gotchversary day, Lishy. We can hardly believe it has already been three whole years -- we remember when you first came to live with your family!
Wishing you many, many more happy days and years, sweet boy.
Dear Lishy, so sorry to be late wishing you a very happy Gotchabirthdayversary.
Special purrs ... Rainbow
OMC! We missed your Gotcha Day, so we are purring belated wishes to you and are so happurry we stopped by and got to see your adorable baby pix and your beautiful pale blue eyes and dreamy adult photo,too!
Happy belated Gotchabirthdayversary, Lishy! We're so glad that you're so strong and proved those vet people wrong!
We hope that it was a lovely wonderful celebration!
Charlemagne, Tamar and Mal
Oh Lishy! We remember those days! Full of Squee cuz you was sooo tiny! Now you are an elegant cat grown up! Sorry we missed your special day!
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