Hi everybuddy! You might have noticed that I've been a little bit quiet lately. There is a reason for that.
I've been keeping a secret. I was the first person-cat in the world to know this secret, so I've been taking my responsibility pretty seriously.
All going well, in late October/early November we'll be bringing home a new family member who will even up the human-cat numbers. All three of us have been extra snuggly and lovey with our mum for the last few months, so she is hoping our budding friendship will continue when she and dad bring the newbie home.
Have a happy weekend :)
Suey!!!! This is exciting news!! A new blurp :) We bet your Mom and Dad are very excited too ;)
Bet it was hard to keep that secret!! heehee
Give your Mom some cuddles from us!
Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
Tiger,Treasure and JJ
What awesome news! Congratulations to your humans! You kitties will definitely have some interesting new smells and adventures!
We was wondering where you was. That is fantastic news for mum and dad and all three of you. We hope your mum is feeling good and taking it easy.
julie and Poppy Q
How exciting! We're very happy for your family.
Fab news! We know you will be wonderfully welcoming to your new brother or sister!
We just love that last photo, Suey. You look even more adorable than usual!
The Chans
How very exciting! The little blurpie one will be raised by the most experienced furballs in the world....I mean, who is more practiced at bring up kittens...and this will be like a kitten, sort of, with no fur and a wee bit bigger. purrrrrrr.....
Congratulations! When I brought home a small human, the only thing that my cats really didn't like was the NOISE....
concats!!! we don't have any sticky little people here, but we hear they can be easily trained...
Congratulations, especially to your beans! We hope your mom is doing well!
We'll just say that we sincerely hope your little sticky person will turn out to be far better behaved than our neighbours' small humans. :-P
Oh!!! How p[erfectly marvelous! Congratulations!!
WHat Barb said! Congratulations.
How exciting!!! Congratulations!!! Just think, another person to pester.
This is so very exciting. Congratulations to your mom and dad!
Suey, this is very exciting news for you and your family! CONGRATULATIONS to you all ... we are SO happy for you!
SQUEEEEEEEE!!! What wonderful news, congratulations :-)
Have a great weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow! You did a good job of keeping a secret, Suey _ I know it must have been tough to do. Please give kisses to your Mom and Dad and wish them congratulations from effurybody here!
Ya only have to remember two things: little beans make great napping buddies and stay out of range of little beans when they have their arms outstretched!
Congrats to your pawrents!
Our mom said she saw this news on Facebook, Suey, but she didn't tell us about it. Congratulations to your mum and dad! It's gonna be a big change for all of you, but it will be a good change!!
Suey, this is such wonderful news. Congratulations to you all. Look after your Mum and make sure she gets plenty of rest. Special purrs ...
Yippee!!! We're so happy to hear your news! We got to bring home our own furless baby sibling in January and he's a lot of fun. We all keep an eye on him and Mal and he share Momma's lap a lot.
Sending you all lots of positive thoughts and happy wishes,
Charlemagne, Tamar and Mal
(proud siblings of baby Blair)
Oh wow!! Congratulations!! We are so happy for you all!
Congratulations! That is wonderful!
Suey! You are the best secret keeper!
We thank you for your words of kindness for our loss.
What wonderful and exciting news! Congratulations!!!
How wonderful! Such lovely news to be sure. There's always room for more love! ;)
xo Catherine
Congratulations of your news. We are sure you will all be purrfect siblings!
Your humans are having a kitten?? How wonderful! Congrats. Just remember human kittens take way longer to grow up, so you'll have your work cut out for you :)
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