Monday, August 15, 2011

My Update

Hi everybuddy.
I spent a very happy weekend hopped up on some special pain killers. I thought I spent some time riding a unicorn, but I'm not sure if that actually happened.

We have also been able to rule some things out. My diabetes test was negative. My toxoplasmosis screen was also negative. I also got my results back from my Upper Respiratory Disease PCR swab, which showed I was negative for Chlamydophila felis, Calicivirus, Herpesvirus, Bordetella bronchisepta, Mycoplasma felis and H1N1 Influenza Virus (yep, they tested me for Swine Flu!).

We have definately ruled out my lungs as the source of the bloody fluid, as I did a bloody spew the other day with lots of grass in it (sorry if that was indelicate).

I am being a super awesome very good boy at taking my antibiotics and anti-acidic tablets. Today I went back to the vet for another check (after hiding under the bed- mum realised afterwards that she wears the same pair of old jeans whenever she goes to the vet, and I figured that out!). She stole some of my bloods to run another blood panel and see what my levels are like. Except she chose the Old Cat profile to run. I am only four and a half! Mum says it just means that they do a wider screening, but I was still unimpressed.

We still have a long list of things we're checking for, but we're getting closer to an answer.

I do want to have a little brag though, I was a super awesome very good boy for the vet when she was taking my bloods. Not a single little hiss of rowl or paw swat. My little brother could learn a thing or 2000 from me, that's for sure!

I think that is the most words I have ever written :)
Love Fui.


Fuzzy Tales said...

Well, you've certainly ruled a lot of things OUT, which is good. Continued purrs from us that they find what this is and it's easily treatable!

Random Felines said...

We hope they figure this out soon. At least they are ruling some things out.....

Cory said...

You are such a good boy Fui...and a smart one too! You figured out the signal from your mom that you are goign to the v-e-t! At least they are ruling out all sorts of stuff...but we will purr that they find out what it IS! We are all purring for you...especially Ginger.

I had to have blood stolen from me on Saturday because I go in for dental work on Thursday. V-e-ts are no fun.

xoxo Cory

Parker said...

All of those things are great r/o's - so now - a geezer kitty lab panel? I think it's smart as it does look at other possibilities.
I am impressed at your manners. I am the same way. Very quiet and pretty polite. Puff and Powder...not so much.

Katnip Lounge said...

Fui, we're glad you are feeling OK with the meds...and we hope the next round of tests will solve your sore tummy mystery!

elle said...

Glad to hear that so many things have been ruled out so far! Hoping the new blood tests will bring good (or better) news.

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

I hope you have good news coming up. But it could be fun to keep riding unicorns, maybe?

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Fui, we are glad that efurryfin so far has come owt negative ~ we want yoo to get well quickly. PURRS.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

At least they know what is is NOT! Now if they can find what it IS!

Meowers from Missouri said...

we are furry impressed at what a fine fellow you are at the vet's!! we're proud to know ya! we hope the second panel will giff them a clue to yer hurty tum, so's they can cure it.

unicorn? *smirk*

Sparkle said...

Hmph, that IS kind of insulting, having to get a senior workup at your age, but I suppose it's necessary! It sounds to me like they are having to figure out what's wrong with you by ruling out everything else! I hope some answers come through soon. Purrs to you, Fui!

Anonymous said...

Hi Fui,

That's a lot of bad things you don't have which is very good. So, maybe only little things that are easy to fix are left. And they sort you out soon. Then you can put the bitey on the vet. :-)


Lizzie & 3 kitties

Faye said...

Fui....well, now we know what is NOT wrong with you. Hope they can find out what it is, so you can be completly better. Continuing to send purrs and prayers from South Lousiana.

The New Orleans Kitties

Jans Funny Farm said...

Fui, we are very proud of you for being such a good patient. We hope they find the problem soon.

Mickey's Musings said...

Fui, we are glad that you do not have any of those nasties!!!
We purr that what you may have will be easy to do away with!!!
You were very brave at the Vet and we are impressed :) Big purrs to you and some kisses ;)
Purrs Tillie and Georgia

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Fui you are amazing! What a good boy!
Purring and praying that they find some answers soon!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Thanks for the update, Fui. We're glad about all those negatives. Now let's just make sure you're all better soonest!

The Chans

Sam and Zorro said...

Dear Fui,
fingers crossed it's just a bug or something and soon you will be your regular self again! It's good you didn't have any of those skeery sounding things. and that you're not going to turn into a cat with a snout and a curly tail - phew...
Fingers crossed it all ends calmly and well for you real soon. You know, after it's ll over, your mum could put 1/8 of a tsp of bicarb soda in your food once a day for a week and then go down to say three times a week and that helps keep you alkaline, too. and she could take it, too, just like our mum is supposed to...

Mr Puddy said...

Fui, You are doing better and better, I send lots of purrs for you and paws crossed for all good in the next step
Hugs and Purrs

The Island Cats said...

Fui, we're glad that a lot of things have been ruled out. But we hope the vet can find out what is going on and can make you better. We're purring for you!!

Quill and Greyson said...

No news is good news buddy! Purrrrs

Angel Prancer Pie said...

We are purring very hard fur you,Fui. Good luck. xoxo

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

We are glad you feeling better Fui and are being a great boy with all your meds!

We hope you get the answers soon!

big purrs,
Goldie, Shade and Banshee

Cory said...

Happy Blogoversary Furriends! Wishing you a happy day. You started your bloggie just a wee bit before we did and we've loved reading each and every one of your posts!


Cory, Ellie, Bennette, Gingerkins, Nigel, Figaro, Jonesie, Cecilia, Madison and Grete

Karen Jo said...

I am glad that you are such a good boy at the vet's and that so many things have been ruled out. I hope the new blood panel can find out what is giving you such a sore tummy. In the meantime, keep enjoying your meds. Happy Blogoversary!

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Happy Blogoversary to our dear friends today ~ we LOVE you all, and your blog.

Brian's Home Blog said...

I sure hope the smart humans figure it out so you can be all well really soon! Hey, Happy Blogoversary!!!

meowmeowmans said...

What a good boy you are, Fui! The v-e-t is scary, and you are dealing with going there and all the tests like a champ. We are glad so many things are being ruled out ... that means you are all closer to figuring out how to make you all better.

Happy Blogoversary to you, dear friends. We love you!

Daisy said...

What a brave and good boy you are, Fui! I am glad they ruled out lots of bad things.

ps: Maybe you saw Charlie teh Unicron! Happy Blogoversary!

Alasandra, The Cats and Dogs said...

Fui, we are purring super hard that they find out what is wrong soon and that it is something easy for them to fix. We are very impressed with how good you were for the Vet. Healing purrs & Happy Blogoversary!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We are glad you are being such a good boy for the vet Fui.
Happy Blogoversary to all of you.

Marilia said...

Nice to meet you!
We are five cats from Brazil!

Kwee Cats said...

You are doing pawsome during a truly trying time. We are so proud of you. At least you got some things ruled out... We will be purring for you!

Mickey's Musings said...

Happy Blogoversary !!!!!!!!
We hope to celebrate many,many more Blogoversaries with ALL of you :)
Purrs Tillie and Georgia

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Dude... we need you to be HEALTHY. You're a special fella, so sending special purrs.