Remember Luna, the little black and white kitten in our little kitty family?

She became our first Melbourne adoption, and went to a great new home with a lovely young couple. Her name is Lola now, and she has settled in really well.

Have a super happy life, gorgeous girl :)
We're so happy for Luna, now Lola! We wish her a long and happy and healthy life in her forever home! Hurrah!
-Fuzzy Tales
Sigh... Happy Endings... it does the heart good!!
xo Catherine
YEAH!! We love to hear adoption updates....looks like she has settled right in.
What a great way to start the day, reading that a kitty adopted good people!!! Have a long and happy life precious Luna/Lola.
The New Orleans Kitties
P.S. SMOOCHIES to Pretty Suey from your Benny Grunch
Lola, you gorgeous kitten girl! We wish you well in your new happy life.
Fui, you are welcome to join our girl pile anytime you want.
It's so lovely to get news of old friends. Good for you, Luna/Lola!
The Chans
What wonderful noos. Fanks for sharing.
I can tell Luna is being properly worshipped in her new home!
I'm so happy with you, Sweet Luna
You are one of the luckiest cat in the world to have a great family.
nothing better than seeing photos of happy kitties in their furever homes
Awwwwwwwww!! We wish Lola a long happy life too :)
Purrs Tillie and Georgia
Lola really does look happy!!
Lola is so lucky to have a good furever home
Lola, I am sure you will bring much joy to your new family!! :)
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