Hi everybuddy!! Our computer issues have been sorted and we're re-entering the blogosphere.

Lots has been going on since we were last able to post. I've been dealing with my cystitis problem again, and have started some cool alternative treatments. We've had two successful adoptions, and the remaining two kittens are doing brilliant work at getting more confident.

We've got so much to catch up on, and can't wait to see how everyone is going. Thankyou to the kitties who checked in on us while we were away :)

It's good to be back!
Booooo computer issues!!!! Glad to see you back ~ I missed your sweet little faces!
xo Catherine
It's great to see you back!
We're sorry about your ongoing cystitis, but hope the alternative treatments work. The mom thinks that vet medicine is like human medicine--great for acute injury and trauma and surgery, etc. But for chronic problems--nope. Because they treat only the symptoms, not the root cause, just as with human medicine.
Congrats on the two adoptions! We'll look forward to all your news.
-Fuzzy Tales
Welcome back guys! Sorry to hear about the cystitis Suey, but it sounds like you're getting some good help. Great news on the adoptions, and I'm sure the other 2 will be adopted soon too.
Yay!!!! We knew you were having computer issues so we were VERY patient kitties and waited and waited.
We are so happy so see your beautiful furry faces!
xoxo Cory, Ellie, Gingerkins, Bennette, Figaro, Nigel, Jonesie, Cecilia, Madison and Grete
We missed you!! Hope you are feeling better soon and the computer decides to keep cooperating. Concats on the adoptions!
Good to see your beautiful faces again. We missed you even though we haven't been blogging/visiting much due to family and work issues. Sorry to hear about your cystitis but happy about the 2 adoptions. Best wishes to the kittens in their forever homes.
Welcome back all of yoo. We missed yoo tons!
We're sorry abowt the cystitus # that's bad luck. But we're glad the noo treatment is werking. And YAY for the adoptions.
The Chans
I'm so happy you guys are back! I've been wondering how you were doing! Paws up on the adoptions! I hope your cystitis clears up quickly, Suey!
We missed yoo all. Welcome back sweet friends.
Hooray! I am so glad you are back! I would love to hear more about your alternative treatments for cystitis, it sounds very interesting.
Welcolm Back!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We missed you!! Sorry to hear about you being sick,Suey. We purr the alternative treatments work for you :)
Great news about the adoptions and the two remaining!! We hope they get good homes like we have,right?
Purrs Tillie and Georgia
glad to see you back and hope you feel better soon!
Welcome back!! We sure missed all of you!! Suey, we hope you are feeling better soon.
WE are so glad you are back. We missed you!
It's great to have you back too!!
Yay, we're so glad you're back! We missed you. We're so happy two more kittens found their forever homes.
Yay! We're so glad that you're back and the icky computer problems are fixed!
And hooray for forever homes!
Charlemagne, Tamar and Mal
look at all the beeyootiful eyes.....
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