Some of you may remember that I came to my forever family as a day old foster kitten. When I was still very small, my vet said I was a very sick little boy and I wouldn't have a very long life. I was given 4-6 months. They said I wasn't strong enough to have a vaccination, a microchip or be desexed.

I kept on being as strong and brave as could be, and kept growing. Over time, under the guidance of another vet, I started having the usual vet treatments that any cat would have. I had my microchip first, and was then vaccinated. When looking at mum's calendar this morning, we realised it has been over a year since I had my doodads snipped. It feels like a bit of a milestone!

I blow raspberries at the idea of me not thriving! :)
It also seems like a very appropriate post to write on my very special friend Greta's birthday. She was the one who saved me and my siblings from the green needle when we were first brought in, and got us into foster care. Happy Birthday Greta! I love you!
Love Lishy.
Oh Lishy, you have us all teary-eyed with happiness all over again! We remember your arrival, and all the concerns, and your Forever Family's decision to keep and love you in the knowledge that it might not be for long. And then you growing, and getting stronger, and then when you got your first collar!!! You are amazing, Lishy. So, all the way from France, may we say:
Tama-Chan, Sei-Chan, Bibi-Chan, Tommy, Vidock and #1
We are SO glad your humans didn't listen to that first vet, Lishy! What an amazing story of survival and of love. *Kitty kisses*
-Nicki and Derry
Lishy: We remember how tiny and ill you were. And, how often our meowmy hesitated before visitng your blog, afraid she would read you had gone to the Rainbow Bridge. But here you are, all grown up and a handsome, manly mancat and the best helper with the foster kittens!!!
We love you Lishy!!! and your brother Fui and sister Suey also....we LOVE happy endings!!
The New Orleans Kitties
Lishy, we remember that sad day so well, when they said yoo might not thrive. We cried and cried and then we started positive thinking and purring for yoo. Yoo were such an adorable sweet boy, we just knew yoo hadta survive. We are so happy that yoo are now healthy and loved.
Happy birthday to Greta ~ please thank ger from us for saving yoo. And thank yoor mommy too.
Lishy, we so happy for you. You are such a strong kitizen and we wish you many more years with your mummy.
Nishiko xxx
We have watched you thrive from that tiny sick baby to a handsome mancat. WE are so glad Greta saved you. Happy Birthday Greta
I am so glad that you are doing so well.
This nearly made me cry...I am soooo happy for you!
Your friend Greta is a true Angel....may she have the most wonderful birthday EVER!
Lishy, Mommy remembers bursting out in tears reading about your bad prognosis. We are SO happy you had other ideas, and that you grew up into such a fine ManCat. Sweet Pea says you are a credit to long haired white Cats the world 'round.
God Bless and Happy Birthday to Greta!
Oh Lishy you are so beautiful and we are so happy no one gave up on you and you proved that first vet wrong. We love long haired white cats, because none of us we covet you from afar!
Dear Lishy,
you are the most handsomest man cat on the webs! Next to us, of course ;)
We are very glad you are well and thriving.
Now, our mummy wants us to tell your mummy that you and your sibs need never be vaccinated again. pretty much. We are vaccinated homeopathically and even that didn't begin for Sam till he was a good 4-5 motnhs old. And you're all indoor kitties. anywayz, go read what this vet lady had to say about protocols in vet hospitals through out america: just google Dr Jean Dodd. that's all...(sorry, mum feels real strongly about this).
Stay strong, Lishter! and Happy Birthday to your first guardian angel, Greta.
What a great birthday post for Greta, Lishy!! Hugs and headbutts comin' to you from B'more... and to Greta, too... happy responsible mancat anniversary and birthday!
One of my favorite Cat Blogosphere memories is coming back to this blog after not visiting for a few months and thinking you would be gone... and you were still here and thriving! I do think that the combination of love and good fostering can work miracles.
Sweet precious Lishy! We have all been members of your fan club since the day you arrived...since you were 1 day old! We've purred our most healing purrs for you and cried when we heard your prognosis...but I believe in the power of the purr and I believe in the power of love and I believe in the power of a VERY strong and determined boy to live his very best life!
We love you Lishy!
xoxo Cory
reporting from her iPaw traveling from France to England
Lishy, we remember when you came to live at your home. And at that time we were sad to hear that you might not have a long life. But seeing you now makes us so happy!! We knew you would prove that vet wrong!!
We just knew that stupid ole vet had to be wrong! We are thrilled they were!!
Happy birthday to Greta! What a wonderful human to help you out! We are glad that your forever family took you in and that you are healthy!
Lishy we are so glad that vet was wrong about you! We remember so well when you were little and when your mom posted about you being so sick - mom cried so much because of that, and when you started to thrive we were all so happy! We are so glad that your mom was persistent with the vets and that you are doing so wonderfully now - and that you got to stay there with your mom and Fui and Suey!
And very very Happy Birthday to Greta - she deserves big applause for saving you!
We are happy that you beat the vet's diagnosis. Thanks to Greta (Happy Birthday, Greta!) and your mom, you grew into a strong, handsome mancat. We still remember the day you arrived as a sickly foster kitten. We have enjoyed watching you growing up.
You are amazing Lishy. I don't think any of us thought you'd still be here today.
Lishy, we just adore you!
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