Meow! One of my favourite things about the garden is that there are always things to investigate.

This thing here was very interesting. My mum calls it a watering can.

I don't know how she knows what it is. I've never seen her use it.

See that grass in the pot? Do you know what it took for that to grow? For my mum to leave the country!!!!
Oh no, does your human have the same brown thumb problem as my human?
Our Mommy isn't so good with plants, either!...We're just glad we aren't plants :)...kisses, sweet friends...Calle, Halle, Sukki
My mum is just the same.
Well, gardening can be a little bit hard.
Hehehehe. Fui, we think your mom needs your help in the garden. Maybe you should consider becoming a fulltime Gardening Cat! Did you nom that grass?
Purrs, Siena & Chilli
She may not be such a great gardener, but your mom sure does a good job taking care of you beautiful kitties! :)
We have one of those in my house too... it's covered in dust.
Hee hee hee! And we agree with you - there are lots of things to explore once you go outside.
Virus and Hyssy
our mewmmie says what she has spent on plants this year is her 'disposable income' cuz sometimes well, the plants, ummm, don't survive...
I didn't know watering cans came in purple ?
Oh no...sounds like your mum does not have a green thumb! (Hey that rhymes!! MOL!!)
Fui, you made us laugh. :-)
Not all mums (and dads) are great gardeners, but hey, your mum is trying! That counts! Our mom doesn't have a very green thumb...not brown, but definitely not green. LOL.
Hey, Fui, my boys have never seen me use an iron but i could still point one out to them. Seen it in catalogues!
Our Mom can not grow plants either!
Fui, hopefully your mom won't leave the country or you anytime soon...I think I'd give up the few blades of grass to keep my mom around all the time!
MOL! Mommy is laughing!
Our pawrents both love to grow things...but Daddy is our True Gardener here.
Oh dear! We hopes that your mom can figure it out! At least she is willing to try!
Our mom is a bit hopeless too! MOL! Good job we have Alfie to sort us owt!
Milo xx
Heh heh... sounds like our mummy too...
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