Sunday, July 11, 2010

Uncle Lishy

Uncle Lishy has been taking his responsibilities very seriously. He involves himself in all sorts of activities- from lessons on grooming, to supervising litter box usage, to showing the kittens the best wrasslin' techniques.
Our scruffy sickly wee boy is growing into such a sweet natured, interested, determined little boycat. He is a pleasure to watch :) This is the video that we tried to upload this weekend. We ended up trying to do it through Photobucket instead of Blogger, so hopefully you will be able to see it.

The boys all love the track toy. Lishy's favourite time to use it is at 3am. This video shows how very very excited Dino gets at dinnertime!

Have a great week! :)


Poppy Q said...

You are such gorgeous kitties boys, what a fun time it is for you and we are so pleased to see you bright eyed and running around. What a great job your mum and Uncle Lishy are doing.

Cory said...

Lishy, what a good boy you are teaching the little to bitey the camera strap! hahaha!

It makes us all purr to see the little ones so playful and strong!

Marg said...

Lishy, you sure do make a great Uncle with all your snoooopervising. Good job and it looks like the kittens are enjoying every minute of the attention. Thanks to the hooomans for taking care of the kittens. Have a great day.

Jacqueline said...

Great job Uncle Lishy and Mom=glad to hear the boys are doing so well...Enjoy your day sweeties...kisses and hugs x3 beautiful friends...Calle, Halle, Sukki

JC said...

Kittens are so cute !!!

Bothe videos are adorable.

Katnip Lounge said...

Excellent work, Uncle Lishy. Teach those tots all they need to know, including how to get Humans to do their bidding...oh, right, they've got that one down pat already!

Adorable kittens, we are so happy to see Dino active and olaying.

Mickey's Musings said...

Oh Lishy, we always knew you were full of beans!!! heehee
We are glad to see Dino is headed that way too :) You both are SO cute ;) heehee
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie

The WriggleButts said...

Well done, Lishy! You're one talented uncle!


The Island Cats said...

It's so nice to see those 2 cuties growing up and doing so well! And Lishy, what a good uncle you are to them! We remember when you were that little!!

Catherine said...

Haha ~ cute video of all the kitties following the food dish ~ too funny! Banjo always seems to be underfoot as well as I open the can of cat food ~ aren't kitties the sweetest! :)

Have a lovely Sunday evening!
xo Catherine

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Lishy, you are growing up to be a model foster cat!

Cheyenne -Millie said...

Lishy, you are so good a teacher! That is fun watching Dino eat!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Lishy is a great uncle! we are laughing at your dinner time video!

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

Uncle Lishy sure is good at teaching those kittens and taking good care of them.

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Awwww ... this is such a "feel good" post. It ddoesn't seem five minutes since our much loved boy Lishy was weak and sickly too ~ and now here he is being the sweetest uncle to the little ones. The videos are so sweet!

Parker said...

Way to keep your eye on the prize Dino!

Sparkle said...

Who knew that Lishy would grow up to be a Master Foster instructor? What an amazing guy!