Monday, June 28, 2010

Junk in the Trunk

Hi everyone! It's Barney! I am continuing to get a bit more confident with people, although I can still be a bit hissy and hidey. I'm learning, though. I want to show you my friend Dino! Over the weekend, he really started to fill out. Mum thinks it was the extra Nutrigel that did it. He is still a skinny mini, but he has started to get some nice coverage over his ribs.
Yesterday, he ran for the first time since he came to our foster home! His walk is getting stronger too. It is not as wobbly as it used to be. His furs are also getting nicer. That makes me smile really big!
I would like to send purs from all the big cats to our friend Momo, who had an accident at home yesterday. Get better soon, sweetie!
Love Barney.


Kea said...

You're both making great progress; hurrah!

Happy Monday! :-)

The Island Cats said...

Dino is beginning to look like a fine mancat (in training, of course!)

(and mom LOL'ed at the title of this post when she actually saw what it was about!)

A few Good Cats said...

Thanks for the update, Barney! We like hearing that kind of good news about you fosters.

JC said...

I think they are so cute. I hope they get great forever homes !!!

HubbleSpacePaws said...

Excellent report, Barney! Thanks! We'll keep are fingers everything is smooth sailing from here! And a big purrrrr for your friend, Momo, too!

Ariel said...

Your both so adorable :)

Amy & the house of cats said...

We think you are both gorgeous! And we are glad that both you and Dino are starting to do so well! That is very good news!!

We went to Momo's to send her purrs!

Poppy Q said...

Glad to see you boys are getting beefy.


Sparkle said...

I'm glad to see that things are coming along with you two!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

WE are so happy that you both are getting along so well!

Catherine said...

Hooray hooray!!! I am smiling too!

xo Catherine

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

Yay for kittens getting healthy! We love them. They are so sweet.

Cheyenne -Millie said...

We are glad that both of you are getting bigger and stronger! Especially Dino... we were worried about you.

We will purr for Momo.

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Such a heart warming progress repawt! Fanks. Dino is filling in very nicely for a skinny-mini!

Parker said...

What great news!

Daisy said...

Hi Barney! It is so cool to hear about little Dino filling out and getting stronger!

Teddy Westlife said...

I'm so pleased for both of you!

Cory said...

You boys are getting stronger and cuter every day!


xoxo Cory

Cory said...

Pee mom is silly. She spelled Fui's name wrong on our post today...I had to paw at her to get her to correct it!

Silly humans.

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

It also makes us smile really big to know you two are safe, with full tummies, and surrounded by love. We're so glad you and Dino are getting stronger and healthier. You two are such cuties!

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

So good to hear that you guys are doing well!

Keiko said...

Aww the pics are so cute!! It is super nice to hear that you're at Forever Fosters, what a wonderful foster home you have! We hope that you and Dino continue to do well and get stronger and bigger!

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Hi there Cuties!!!!!!!!

Glad to see you filling out nicely!!