Yesterday we wrote about how we are getting along better. Our friends Gandalf and Grayson made a good point, about how we no longer have kittens around and do have our Mum and Dad. Mum thinks having Dad home has had a really big positive impact on him. Our relationship got a bit frostier after he left, and improved as soon as he got home again. Mum says the nights he was home for Easter were the first nights I had been relaxed since he left.
Mum has wondered whether being away from Scarface has helped us. He is an intact male stray who resisted a month of sustained trapping attempts. Our foster mum Kate had been trying to gain his trust, and was doing a great job until Scarface started bullying her kitty, Winnie. He started hanging around our house about the time Dad left.
Whatever is influencing us, we are happier, and that makes Mum and Dad happy, too:)

I think all of those factors play a part!
Your happiness is our happiness!!!!
#1 was talking last night with our house-sitters and Steve told her he had made that drive from Townsville to Sydney!
Your Friends,
Tommy, Tama-Chan and Sei-Chan
I'm glad you're happy too. It's much more relaxing that way.
Huffle Mawson
We are glad it is happy famalies at your house.
Smooches to you all
Well, whatever the reason, we sure are glad you've found a lovely balance!
Pity you had to surrender your new climbing hidey hole, though. It looks ideal!
We are happy you are happy! Just look at you! We think all of those things you mentioned add up to being more relaxed and happy.
Changes always upset kitties. We are glad every thing has settled closer to normal! That was a cool climbing shelf!
I know I would be very anxious if an unneutered male was hanging around our house!
ps: Have you ever checked out the ModernCat website? They sometimes have cool things you can make for kittehs from Ikea stuff.
I'm a bit behind the times, what with Kate being on holidays overseas and all (she's still away, but has a rare opportunity to use a computer and help me visit a few of my buddies)... so this is my first time to see you two settled in your new home. Lovely to hear that you're both so happy. Sounds like Sydney will be great for your family (although it made Kate the Tasmanian chuckle to hear you describe Sydney as "chilly").
We love Ikea too... but we don't have it in Tasmania :( and they won't deliver :( We just look at the catalogues and dream of what we might buy...
Glad you are happy!!!!
We're jealous of your new tent. We have the old version (the one with cat ears), but dad refuses to buy a new one, even though we've poked our existing one with holes. Mom says she probably just needs to go to Ikea without dad to get it done. :/
- Boris
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