I like to start my day with cuddles. I am friendly like that. Here I am ready for cuddles on my blanket that looks like dad's uniform. I am cute like that.
Then I go for some breakfast and a nice drink of water. Sometimes I can combine this with teaching the fosters. Bobby Dazzler was a very good student, as you can see here.
Then I will go for a play in my garden. I have a special tree that I like to scratch in my garden. It keeps my claws nice and strong.
I will then have a rest on my patio. Sometimes I will sit in the sun, but mostly I will sit in the shade, where it is cool. I'll also have a nice drink from one of my outside bowls, and have a nibble on my catgrass. Then I retire inside for lunch.
After lunch I will have another nap inside. This is a nice way to pass the time when it is hot in Queensland!
Then it is back outside for a run around and lots of playing. This is my favourite way to burn off some energy- climbing trees and seeing the view!
After dinner I will settle down for a clean. Often, Suey will help me. I am a bit lazy when it comes to grooming, although you would never know it from my handsomeness.
Then it is time for another cuddle, before going to bed for the night. I like to sleep under mum and dad's bed. That way I am close and ready for cuddles the next morning.
Ohh I just loved seeing what you did with your day!! Thank you for sharing!
I like to see that is is filled with plenty of cuddles and naps!
I don't get the fun of climbing a big tree, that sure looks fun! :)
We do not envy you in the Queensland weather.. poor guy :(
Awww Fui you had a great day!! WE would love a bit of Queensland heat. Although it was spring like today we seem to have one ok day then three days of cold southerlies.
Ahhhhh living in Wellington!!
Anyways my Aussie friends, have yourselves a great week. I'm loving your blog and your fun foster family. Good work team.
Julie and Poppy Q
Your life? I love it!
Your days are great. I agree totally with Parker!
It sounds like you have a wonderful life!
What a super schedule! Especially the cuddles!
How fun to watch how you spend your day! You certainly do make good use of your time! I just love your beautiful markings!
That little foster baby is adorable too! *squeal*
What an excellent use of time. A perfect day. You really are one stunning tabby cat! Beautiful.
Whicky Wuudler
What wonderful ways to spend a day! A typical day for us is snuggling, stinky goodness, playing, snuggling, napping, eating crunchies, napping, more stinky goodness, snuggling, playing, napping. We sound like real slackers compared to you. You're so lucky to get to play outdoors.
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